
kǒng que
  • peacock;peafowl
孔雀 [kǒng què]
  • [peacock;peafowl] 东南亚和东印度群岛产的一种非常大型的陆栖雉类(属名Pavo),有羽冠,雄的尾毛很长,展开时像扇子,有绿孔雀和白孔雀两种。群居在热带森林中或河岸边,羽毛可做装饰品

  • 孔雀东南飞,五里一徘徊。(孔雀向东南飞,每飞五里,就徘徊一阵。徘徊,犹疑不决。汉人诗常以鸿鹄徘徊比喻夫妇离别,此诗开头也有这个意思。用这两句诗引起下边的故事,古代民歌中常用这种写法。)--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

孔雀[kǒng que]
  1. 他自称“领导”,像个孔雀似的趾高气扬地走来走去。

    He introduced himself as ' the leader ' and strutted up and down like a peacock .

  2. 孔雀展开了它那灿烂夺目的尾巴。

    The peacock spreads his splendid tail .

  3. 凤凰剧社演出《朱诺与孔雀》。

    Phoenix Players present ' Juno and the Paycock ' .

  4. 孔雀栖息在附近的灌木丛里。

    The peacocks roost in nearby shrubs .

  5. 云南是大象和孔雀的栖息地。

    Yunnan Province is the home of elephants and peacocks .

  6. 孔雀在周围的草地上昂首阔步。

    Peacocks strut in the surrounding meadow .

  7. 正如她在描述孔雀花时所写的,“那些没有得到荷兰主人善待的印第安人,用种子来堕胎,这样孩子们就不会像他们一样成为奴隶。

    As she wrote in her description of the peacock flower , " The Indians , who are not treated well by their Dutch masters , use the seeds to abort their children , so that they will not become slaves like themselves . "

  8. 按照书中所示的50步,他在两小时内完成了他的第一件作品——纸孔雀。

    Following the 50 steps shown in the book , he made his first work , a paper peacock , within two hours .

  9. 乳白色的孔雀幽灵般消沉。

    Now droops the milk white peacock like a ghost .

  10. 孔雀作为吉祥之鸟深受人们喜爱,是举世驰名的珍禽

    Peafowl are precious birds that people love as a symbol of auspiciousness .

  11. 雄孔雀很为自己漂亮的长尾巴感到骄傲,虽然被人驯养了很长时间,但只要看见穿着华丽的少年男女,都嫉妒地追上去,要琢碎他们的衣衫。

    Male peacocks are very proud of their beautiful tails . Although tamed for a long time , whenever they see young people wearing flowery clothes it will go up enviously1 and peck them to pieces .

  12. 笼养蓝孔雀两个种群的随机扩增多态DNA分析

    A Study on Two Captive Blue Peafowl Populations by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA

  13. 野生与笼养绿孔雀种群的随机扩增多态DNA研究

    A Study of the Wild and Captive Green Peafowl ( Pavo muticus ) by Random-Amplified Polymorphic DNA

  14. 实验结果表明,对Cd污染耐性较强的花卉共3种,即紫茉莉、孔雀草、万寿菊。

    The results show that Cd pollution tolerance of 3 strong flower species , Mirabilis , maidenhair , marigold .

  15. 纳米TiO2/海泡石复合材料光催化降解孔雀石绿的研究

    Study on Photocatalytic Activity of nanometer TiO_2 / sepiolite for malachite green

  16. 运用最广的一种形式是孔雀。之所以称之为孔雀是因为它的X射线形状象孔雀的尾巴。

    The most widely used form is PEACOCK , so named because the pattern of its X rays can resemble a peacock 's tail .

  17. 说明种子幼根对Pb的耐性最强的花卉是孔雀草和百日草,最弱的是黑心菊。

    That the patience of the seed radicle of the strongest lead is patula and zinnia flowers , the weakest is Rudbeckia hirta .

  18. adj.华丽的反:shabby当孔雀展现它华丽的尾巴时,孩子们大声叫着。

    Children shouted when they saw the peacock spread his gorgeous tail .

  19. 鲫鱼脑AChE活性对水体中石油污染土壤和孔雀石绿的响应

    Responses of Brain Acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) Activity in Carassius auratus to Crude-Oil-Contaminated Soil and Malachite Green in Aquatic Environment

  20. 比较这三种细胞对孔雀石绿的敏感性,得出结论CIK细胞对于孔雀石绿的作用最敏感。

    Among these cells , CIK cell is the most sensitive to low concentration malachite green .

  21. 孔雀草POD同工酶及主要观赏性状研究具有观赏性和实用性双重性质的一种工艺品。

    Study on Peroxidase Isozyme and Main Ornamental Characteristics of Tagetes patula Breeds The crafts look beautifully and the usable ambiguity archery target one kind of handicraft .

  22. 孔雀活化素基因(activin)βA亚基成熟肽序列的分子克隆及其对白孔雀起源与分类的佐证分析

    Molecular Cloning of Activin β _A Subunit Mature Peptide from Peafowl and Its Application in Taxonomy and Phylogeny

  23. 类似的,一些超级孔雀的哥特男对其他的哥特女来说具有很高的价值,但是对于大学校园内期待白马王子的MM来说,他们更象是一群怪人。

    Similarly , some super peacocked goth dude has a lot of value to other goth chicks , but to a college party chick looking for a crazy frat boy , the goth dude is just some lame ass weirdo .

  24. 采用RIA法,测定7只性成熟雌性蓝孔雀16个每3h采集血浆样品中的17β-E2水平,用以研究其昼夜变化节律。

    Values of 17 β - E2 of the plasma of 7 blue peacocks were measured by RIA , and the 16 plasma specimens were taken out per 3 h during two days .

  25. 从1只病死孔雀的肝、脾及脑组织悬浊液中分离到1株病毒,经HA和HI试验、病毒中和试验及荧光PCR试验,证明该病毒为新城疫病毒。

    A strain of virus was isolated from the suspending liquid mixed with liver , lung , spleen and brain tissue of a died peafowl and identified NDV through HA and HI test , virus neutralization test and fluorescent polymerase chain reaction .

  26. 据此建立了一种简单、灵敏、快速直接测定痕量孔雀石绿的RRS方法。

    A simple , sensitive , and fast method for the direct determination of trace amounts of MG on the basis of RRS has been proposed . 2 .

  27. 结果该药能提高ILT孔雀的RBC、HGB和PCT数,降低肝功酶谱活性,改善损伤的肾功指标,且在用中药2周内使血清IgM升高;

    Results This Chinese medicine composite mixture increased the counts of RBC , HGB , and PCT , and decreased the activity of liver zymogram , and improved the renal functions in ILT peafowls .

  28. Pb胁迫对萌发后幼苗生长影响研究进一步证实植物根系对Pb的耐受能力较强的四种为马蔺、茶花凤仙、百日草和孔雀草,强弱顺序为马蔺茶花凤仙百日草孔雀草。

    Pb stress on seedling growth after germination studies confirm the tolerance of plant roots on the ability of lead of four to Iris , Camellia impatiens , zinnia , and maidenhair , the strength of the order of Iris Camellia impatiens Zinnia maidenhair . 5 .

  29. 方法孔雀绿染色法:将原头蚴分别用1%、2%和4%孔雀绿水溶液,在室温或36℃染色24h、48h和72h。

    Methods Malachite green stain-method : the protoscolices were stained at room temperature or 36 ℃ for 24 h , 48 h and 72 h with 1 % , 2 % and 4 % malachite green solution respectively .

  30. 用ILT孔雀和低白细胞模型和免疫抑制小鼠模型,观察SH复方中药对小鼠的免疫功能、造血系统以及ILT孔雀血液细胞和血液化学的影响。

    Peacocks with ILT and mice which marrow and immune system were inhibited were used to study the effects of Chinese medicine of SH mixture on immune and hemopoietic system , blood routine and blood biochemistry .