
  • 网络confucianism;Confucius;confucian thought
  1. 孔子思想是我国文化的主要源头之一。

    Confucianism is one of the major sources of the Chinese culture .

  2. 孔子思想学说的核心范畴是仁。

    The core of Confucianism is " benevolence " .

  3. 孔子思想与现代公关思想

    The Doctrine of Confucius and the Thinking of Modern Public Relationship

  4. 略谈孔子思想政治教育的核心内容

    On the Core Contents of Confucius Ideological and Political Education

  5. 从传播学角度看孔子思想

    Viewing Confucius Thought from the Angle of Media Studies

  6. 困窘中产生的道德倾向&对孔子思想矛盾的心理解读

    A Psychological Analysis of Contradiction in Confucius ' Thinking

  7. 对孔子思想与马克思主义关系的思考

    Thought on the Relationship between Confucianism and Marxism

  8. 孔子思想的基本结构及影响

    Basic Structure and Influence of Confucius ' Thought

  9. 他借用许多孔子思想。

    He borrowed many ideas from confucius .

  10. 孔子思想当中富有深厚的生态伦理意蕴,并与现代生态伦理思想有许多相通之处。

    Confucius ' very deep thought of Ecological Ethics is interlinked with modern Ecological Ethics .

  11. 德在孔子思想体系中的地位

    The Status of Morality in Confucian Ideology

  12. 这一情感本体即是血缘亲情,它构成了孔子思想学说的理论基石,又是“性相近也”的确切内涵。

    The relative blood feeling constituted the theory and intension lf the doctrine of Confucius .

  13. 孔子思想与现代企业文化

    Confucius thought and modern business culture

  14. 孟子反经之说,是在吸纳孔子思想的基础上形成的。

    Mencius " Save - Confucianism " said , which is absorbing the thoughts of Confucius .

  15. 以《论语》论命为例探讨孔子思想的内在超越性

    On the Inherent Transcendence of Confucianism : Taking the Analects of Confucius on Fate as an Example

  16. 所以说,从某种意义上看,是孔子思想影响了伏尔泰对宗教的态度。

    So in some certain sense , it is the Confucian that affected the Voltaire 's religious attitudes .

  17. 学术界有一种流行的观点,认为孔子思想中存在着理性与宗教性矛盾,这值得商榷。

    The popular belief that there is a rational vs religious contradiction in Confucius'ideology is open to question .

  18. 子贡对孔子思想从政治、经济、军事等不同角度,进行了符合时代特点的发挥。

    Zi Gong developed Confucious'thought in accordance with the time in respect of politics , economics , military etc.

  19. 正确理解此愚字的内涵,是正确理解孔子思想的一个关键。

    A correct understanding of " stupidity " is the key to the correct understanding of Confucius ' thought .

  20. 而代表孔子思想言论的《论语》就是该思想的集中体现。

    Confucius thought and speech on behalf , of the " Analects " is the concentrated expression of the idea .

  21. 在孔子思想中,能够遏制无限膨胀的私利欲望的是“义”。

    In the thoughts of Confucius , it is the " unrighteousness " that can contain the seemingly unlimited private desires .

  22. “子不语怪、力、乱、神”反映了孔子思想体系的重要内容。

    The doctrine " Confucius never talked about odd , puissance , turmoil and deity " reflects an important part of Confucianism .

  23. 甚至被认为最接近孔子思想的《论语》也是在他去世后被后来很多代的学生编纂而成的。

    Even the Analects of Confucius , considered closest to his thought , was compiled after his death by many generations of disciples .

  24. 孔子思想的形成就是他对传统的继承与超越,是温故而知新。

    Confucius inherits and develops the tradition , so the formation of Confucius thought is Acquiring new knowledge while thinking over the old .

  25. 但是儒家思想与孔子思想并不完全是等同的,韩非对于孔子的思想并不是一味地批判。

    However Confucianism and the thought of Confucius aren 't entirely identical , Han Fei doesn 't blindly criticize the thought of Confucius .

  26. 我告诉她,由于近两千年来深受孔子思想的影响,中国人较为内向。

    I told her that due to the dominance of Confucianism for almost 2000 years , the Chinese people tend to be very introverted .

  27. 孔子思想是第一次文化轴心时代人类思想的伟大创造,儒家社会理想的本原是和谐。

    Confucianism is deemed a great invention of human thoughts in the first cultural axis period . The foothold of Confucian social ideal is harmony .

  28. 并且我与我的中国同事之间讨论的是杜威和孔子思想之间的密切关系。

    And among the conversations I had with my Chinese colleagues was the very close relationship that between Dewey 's ideas and those of Confucius .

  29. 作为儒家代表之一的孟子,是孔子思想体系最重要的继承者。

    Mencius is one of the representatives of the Confucianism . And he is also one of the most important inherits of Confucianism that Confucius founds .

  30. 诚然,孝做为孔子思想的基础,与其它道德范畴,譬如仁、礼等有密切的关系。

    The filial piety was the base of confucianism , however , it was closely related to other morality such as benevolence , propriety and so on .