
kǒng miào
  • Confucian temple
孔庙 [kǒng miào]
  • [Confucian temple] 祭祀孔子的庙宇

孔庙[kǒng miào]
  1. 孔庙是祭祀孔子的庙宇,是儒家文化的象征和载体。

    Confucian Temple is the symbol and carrier of Confucianism Civilization , and it is build for monumentalizing Confucius .

  2. 甚至于天坛,孔庙,与雍和宫,也在严肃中微微有些热闹。

    Even solemn places like the Temple of Heaven , the Confucian Temple and the Yonghe Lamasery became a little livelier .

  3. 我沿着中华路(CentralStreet)继续前行,这是马公市最古老的街道,蜿蜒曲折,均用砖头铺就,路过了好几座孔庙与祠堂。

    Then I continued along Central Street , Makung 's oldest , winding and brick-paved , past Confucian temples and ancestral shrines .

  4. 孔庙的面积是多少?

    How large an area do the temple of Confucius cover ?

  5. 国内外孔庙共有大约1300座。

    There are about 1300 Confucius temples in China and overseas .

  6. 这在大型孔庙雅乐舞蹈&祭孔乐舞中表现突出。

    This temple in large advocate in the grand dance-offering hole prominence .

  7. 南京夫子庙是中国规模最大的孔庙。

    Nanjing Confucius Temple is the largest temple in China .

  8. 伟大的孔庙和孔文化府毗连。

    The great Temple of Confucius immediately adjoins the palace .

  9. 走进台北孔庙,首先看到的就是棂星门。

    Taipei ´ s Confucius Temple , the first to see that Lingxing-door .

  10. 台北孔庙中也没塑像;

    Taipei Confucius Temple , the statue did not ;

  11. 孔庙是为纪念孔子而建的。

    The Confucian temple was built in his honor .

  12. 曲阜孔庙景观与其历史存在着共生关系。

    There is a symbiotic relationship between its landscape and history of Confucian Temple .

  13. 在曲阜的孔庙生活着多种鹭鸟。

    There live many kinds of egrets in the Confucian Temple in Qufu City .

  14. 所以,要了解这条街,就得先知道国子监和孔庙。

    To deepen understanding of this street , you should know Guozijian and Confucius Temple first .

  15. 自辛亥革命后,遍布全国的孔庙建筑群随着连绵不断的战争逐渐式微。

    However , most of Confucian Temples were destroyed in the uninterrupted war after Xinhai Revolution .

  16. 泮池的设置,还增添了孔庙的灵气,优化了整体环境。

    The establishment of Pan-chi also adds vitality to Confucius temple and beautifies the overall environment .

  17. 您可以参观孔府,大成殿和孔庙。

    You may visit Confucius Mansion , the Great Hall of Confucius and the Temple of Confucius .

  18. 孔庙作为一处具有重要意义的古建筑群,祭祀之地,给人以崇高的地位。

    As the significant ancient buildings and sacrificial place , Confucius Temple leaves people a majestic and sacred feeling .

  19. 但是,孔庙内却有孔子塑像;

    However , here in the Temple of Confucius in Qufu one does find some statues of the supreme sage .

  20. 泮池作为孔庙水池的特有型制和专用名称,具有特殊的文化寓意。

    Pan-chi , as a unique structure and name for the pond in Confucius temple , signifies special cultural morals .

  21. 棂星门是孔庙特有的一种建筑形式,通常面宽大至七开间,并采取歇山重檐屋顶。

    Confucius Temple Lingxing-door is a unique architectural style , often voluminous large seven-bay , and take Xieshan roof eaves .

  22. 这些作品将会在曲阜孔庙诗礼堂集中展示,并请游客投票评选出最受喜爱的一个。

    They will be exhibited in the Temple of Confucius in Qufu , and visitors can vote for their favorite .

  23. 公园在孔庙附近,孔子尊老的思想几个世纪以来塑造了韩国文化。

    It 's built around a temple to Confucius , whose ideas on venerating elders have shaped Korean culture for centuries .

  24. 到宋仁宗天圣六年(1028),筑郊台(祭祀天地的建筑)外垣,设置灵星门。后移置于孔庙,用祭天的礼仪来尊重孔子。

    Ling Star Gate , first built in 1028 , was rebuilt in the Confucian temple later in honor of Confucius .

  25. 与其他古建筑群相比,曲阜孔庙最与众不同的一点在于其悠久的历史与生命力。

    Comparing with other ancient architectural complex , the most distinctive point of Qufu Confucian Temple is its long history and vitality .

  26. 位于山东省曲阜的孔庙是孔子的本庙,历史最为悠久,规模最为宏大。

    The Confucian Temple in Qufu , Shandong Province , is the original Temple for Confucius , the oldest , most spectacular one .

  27. “三孔”规模宏大,孔庙与北京故宫、承德避暑山庄并称三大古建筑群。

    The Confucius Temple , together with the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace , is called the three ancient architecture groups in China .

  28. 台北孔庙采曲阜本庙建筑,梁柱门窗皆未刻字显得朴实又庄严。

    Taipei Confucius Temple in Qufu , the temple architecture adopted , beam windows and doors have made no lettering seems simple , yet dignified .

  29. 通过对其总体布局进行研究,扩展开来能够对孔庙的建筑形制及规划手法有更加深刻地认识。

    By studying overall arrangement , single buildings and decorations , it helps to get a deeper understanding of Confucian temple architecture and overall arrangement .

  30. 曲阜孔庙是中国历史上第一座孔庙建筑,也是中国最杰出的古建筑之一。

    The Qufu Confucian temple is in the Chinese history the first Confucian temple construction , is also one of Chinese most outstanding historic buildings .