
  1. 《字林》释义的方法。

    The methods of Zilin 's explanation .

  2. 中国古代的信息崇拜&惜字林、拾字僧与敦煌石窟

    Information Worship in Ancient China

  3. 前人以《字林》校勘《说文解字》,取得了一定的成就,但这些校勘中也存在着一些问题。

    Many scholars correcting Shuowenjiezi by Zilin , and got some achievements , but there exists some problems .

  4. 从第一份正式的报纸副刊《字林沪报》附出的《消闲报》到现在,中国报纸的副刊走过了一条漫长的道路。

    China paper supplement has passed through a long march since the NewsPaper was issued on the first formal supplement & North China Daily News .

  5. 《字林》问世的时间距《说文解字》最近,其受《说文解字》的影响是显而易见的,在《说文解字》的校勘方面《字林》有着重要的参考价值。

    Zilin was the nearest to Shuowenjiezi , it is obvious that it is affected by shuowenjiezi , and it has important reference value in correcting Shuowenjiezi .

  6. 由于《字林》不同于《说文解字》,因此,在用《字林》对《说文解字》进行校勘时必须采取审慎的态度,不应据《字林》而轻易修改《说文解字》。

    Because Zilin is different from Shuowenjiezi , it is necessary to take careful attitude towards correcting Shuowenjiezi by Zilin , and should not correct Shuowenjiezi carelessly by Zilin .