
  • 网络word;Digital input;character quantity;Word-sized
  1. 论文包含前言、字量字频、字形结构、集释、结语、附录六个部分。

    The thesis includes the foreword , the character quantity and frequency , the glyph structure , the explanation section , the conclusion , and the appendix six parts .

  2. 四种识字教科书字量及其分布差异明显;

    There is great difference between literacy amount and its distribution ;

  3. 小学语文常用读物的字种与字量研究&三、百、千四书、古诗80首等六种读物的用字

    Study of Character Species and Quantities in Chinese Reading Materials of Primary School

  4. 小学低年级识字教学的字种、字量研究(三)&以人教版、北师大版、江苏版课标实验教材为研究对象

    The Study of Character Species and Quantities of Characters ' Teaching for the Junior Students in the Primary School

  5. 介绍一种将来自传感器模拟信号转换为12位数字量的数据采集模板。

    A data acquisition board is introduced in which analog signals from sensor is converted to 12-bit digital signals via .

  6. 由于汉字字符集字量大、相似字多,加上手写体的变形,使得脱机手写体汉字识别成为目前文字识别领域最困难的问题之一。

    But it is very difficult in the characters recognition system because of the big Chinese characters set , many similar characters and distortion in the handwritten Chinese characters .

  7. 性能优良的12位高速模数转换器AD9220与单片机高速模数转换电路,把光强度和三原色的每一色信号分别转化为12位数字量,通过高解析算法处理48位数字量。

    High speed A / D converter converts intensity and three color analogical signals to 12 bit digital signal separately , and then high analytic algorithms are adopted to manage 48 bit digital quantity .

  8. 第四章具体分析了汉字教学中的笔画、笔顺、部件、字种、字量等各个方面,总结少儿汉语教材中汉字教学的一般特点。

    The Fourth Chapter specifies the stroke , stroke order of Chinese characters , radicals , characters quantity and species , etc , summing up the general characteristics of literacy teaching in Chinese coursebooks for children .

  9. 为低年级识字教材进行字种及字量的选择,汉语拼音的编排,识字方法以及练习的编排等提供理论和实践依据。

    It provides the theoretical and practical foundation for the selection of the species and quantity of Chinese characters , the arrangement of Hanyu Pinyin and the design of teaching methods and exercises of Chinese characters textbooks .

  10. 字量字频一章全面统计商代金文的总字量、单字量以及字频,同时根据相关数据作了归纳总结,以求掌握其用字情况。

    In order to grasp the using state of Shang Dynasty bronze inscription , the chapter of character quantity and frequency fully counts the total quantity , the quantity of all different characters , and the frequency of each different character .

  11. 现代汉语根字构词量刍议

    Analysis of Root-gram Word Formation Quantity in Modern Chinese Language

  12. 与其他汉语材料研究结果粗略比较,随着时间的推移,生僻字的保持量较诗歌、散文等学习材料差,但好于无意义音节。

    Compared with the other Chinese materials , the rare Chinese characters is better than nonsense syllables , but worse than the poetry and prose .

  13. 而且某些要害字拼音的搜索量也极为可观,流量对于稳定排名很有帮助。

    And the search amount of phoneticize of certain key word is very considerable also , discharge is very helpful to stabilizing a rank .

  14. 结合工程实例,对井字梁配筋量、边梁配筋量、边梁扭矩值和弹性最大挠度值进行分析研究。

    According to a example , reinforcement of grillage-shaped beam , reinforcement of boundary beam , torque of boundary beam and elastic flexility limit were analyzed .

  15. 西周金文字素表声功能的构字量很低,在汉字形声化过程中,声符数量的增长是形声字增长的主要手段。

    The ability of phonetic complements forming characters is low , so in Chinese characters , phonetic complements expanding is the main method to expand the pictograph-phonetic combined characters .

  16. 第二章对甲骨文象形字进行了详细界定并对甲骨文象形字的字量做了统计。

    In the second chapter , we make a detail explanation on the definition of Oracle Pictograph and compile statistics of the amount of these characters .