
  • 网络bailor
  1. 第三百八十一条仓储合同是保管人储存存货人交付的仓储物,存货人支付仓储费的合同。

    Definition of warehousing contract a warehousing contract is a contract whereby the warehouser stores the goods delivered by the depositor , and the depositor pays the warehousing fee .

  2. 存货人违反前款规定的,保管人可以拒收仓储物,也可以采取相应措施以避免损失的发生,因此产生的费用由存货人承担。

    Where the depositor violates the previous paragraph , the warehouser may reject the goods and may also take the appropriate measures to prevent loss at the depositor 's expense .

  3. 我们想快速解决多余的库存,所以我们愿意以很低的价格卖给想立即买下我们全部存货的人。

    EXAMPLE : We want to offload some excess inventory quickly so we will accept a very low price from anyone who will purchase all of it from us right away .

  4. 独立代理可以本身拥有存货,这些存货仍属委托人所有,但可以保证供应他自己所签订的合同。

    A factor may have a stock of the products , which will belong to the principal but will enable the factor to satisfy the contract that he negotiates .