
  1. 从法律角度出发,合伙企业的存续期有限。

    From a legal standpoint , partnerships have limited lives .

  2. 逆向浮动利率证券的存续期通常比其期限要长。

    The duration of an inverse floater is longer than its maturity .

  3. 请记住,此站点可能只有很短的存续期。

    Remember , this site will probably have a short shelf life .

  4. 而现有合同的存续期只剩下短短3个星期。

    The existing contract would end in just three weeks .

  5. 研究表明,最优补偿合同由两部分组成:代理人的保留财富价值和代理人在合同存续期内的努力工作成本;

    The result shows that the first-best compensation contract consists of the following two parts ;

  6. 代理关系的存在时间或存续期是由双方当事人之间的协议确定的。

    The time or duration of an agency is governed by the agreement between the parties .

  7. 因此,逆向浮动利率证券的存续期就大于其基础的固定利率债券的存续期。

    Hence , the duration of the inverse floater exceeds the duration of the underlying fixed-rate bond .

  8. 从概念上讲,开办费是一项无形资产,它将使公司在其整个存续期受益。

    Conceptually , organization costs are an intangible asset that will benefit the corporation over its entire life .

  9. 如婚姻存续期比较短,又没有孩子的话,法庭通常都不会判决赡养费。

    If a marriage is relatively short and there are no children , the courts often refuse to award alimony .

  10. 浮动利率证券的存续期很短,只等于到下一个息票率调整日的间隔。

    The duration of a floater is quite short , equal to the time until the next coupon reset date .

  11. 将无形资产的成本在其存续期内系统化地结转到费用叫做摊销。

    The systematic write-off to expense of the cost of an intangible asset over its useful life is termed as amortization .

  12. 十年存续期的定位困境使资产管理公司更容易产生道德风险行为和短期经营问题,并且增大了监督的难度。

    AMC is easily been caused moral hazard action and short-term management problem because of 10-year existing position and been brought supervisor problem .

  13. 矿场存续期内的可供损耗值是初始成本减去残值,即4美元。

    The depletion that will occur over the life of the mine is the original cost minus the residual value , or $ 4 .

  14. 基金、集合计划存续期内的额度规模管理应当按照有关规定进行。

    The administration on quota or scale within the extension of a fund or pool plan shall be performed in accordance with related provisions .

  15. 法庭不单会考虑婚姻存续期内,夫妇间的财政支援,也会考虑感情上的支持。

    Courts will not only take into consideration the amount of financial support given during a marriage but , also the amount of emotional support .

  16. 其中之一是,根据波兰法律,作为海上风电平台的人工岛屿只有5年的存续期。

    One of them is that offshore platforms are established as artificial islands which , according to Polish law , can only exist for five years .

  17. 大型机构投资者是大型股市存在的前提,而大型机构投资者的存在又依赖于有一个庞大的中产阶级愿意持有股票等存续期较长的资产。

    Large equity markets require large institutional investors , which in turn require a large middle class willing to hold long duration assets such as equities .

  18. 长期资产指的是为企业经营而非为销售给客户所购的存续期较长的资产。

    The term plant assets ( or plant and equipment ) describes long-lived assets acquired for use in business operations rather than for resale to customers .

  19. 它们采取了从买断到员工股票期权计划等不同形式,通常在规模上循序渐进,存续期也较长。

    They are taking different forms , ranging from buy-outs to employee stock option plans and tend to be incremental in size and long term in duration .

  20. 而危机传染研究的首要问题是:某国(或一组国家)的危机在何时出现了对他国的传染、传染具有怎样的存续期。

    At what time the crisis of one country transmitted to the other countries and the duration of crisis contagion are the primary problems for the academics .

  21. 我们通过谨慎挑选那些可能具有长期存续期的零部件和子系统来实现这一目的。

    This is made possible by the careful selection of components and subsystems that have a high degree of likelihood of remaining in production over the long term .

  22. 但由于这些好处的存续期不确定,一般实践中几乎全都将这类性质的支出作为当期费用处理。

    But because of the uncertain duration of the benefits , it is almost universal practice to treat expenditures of this nature as expense of the current period .

  23. 除本协议内有关存续期、终止及保密条款的规定外,本协议对于任何一方或其附属机构均不得赋予法律上具有约束力的义务。

    This agreement shall not create any legally binding obligations upon any Party or any of its affiliates except for the provisions set forth herein regarding duration , termination and confidentiality .

  24. 如夫妇在婚姻存续期内有债务的话,法庭会根据他们随著此债务所获得的资产,哪一方的利益最多,来分配二人的债务。

    At the time of divorce , the court allocates debt incurred during the marriage between the spouses based on who benefits most from the asset that came with the debt .

  25. 在新体系下,一家银行必须估算其贷款可能的未来损失,并在贷款存续期内从利润中计提损失拨备。

    Under the new system , a bank will have to estimate the likely future losses on its loans , subtracting this provision from its earnings over the lifetime of the loans .

  26. 通常而言,可转换债券持有人拥有两项主要的权利:一是作为固定收益证券,在可转换债券存续期内获得固定的现金流收入;

    The holders of convertible bonds have two major rights : firstly , they can receive a fixed cash flow during the term of conversion in that convertible bonds belong to the fixed income bonds ;

  27. 对资本成本、净资产收益率、分红规则和剩余收益存续期对内净率的影响进行了模拟。

    According to the models , intrinsic value-book value ratio depends on the cost of capital , return on equity , policy of earnings distribution and time limit of residual income or lifetime of company .

  28. 银行间企业类债券是企业依照法定程序,在银行间市场发行和交易的约定在债券存续期内还本付息的有价证券。

    Enterprise bond is issued by enterprises in accordance with legal procedures in the interbank bond market , they promise to pay interest according to certain interest rate and repay par value on each payment date .

  29. 老年人长期照护是指老年人由于生理、心理受损,生活不能自理,因而在一个相对较长的时期,甚至在生命存续期内都需要他人给予的各种帮助的总称。

    Elderly long-term care is a generic term that refers to the elderly who cannot self care due to physical or psychological damage , thus need others ' help during a relatively long period , even the whole life .

  30. 因为现货和期货的价格基差并不是固定的,在合约的存续期,两个价格往往会出现偏离的走势,如果将套期保值比率简单地设定为1,同样也可能面临持有期风险。

    Because the price basis between spot and future is not fixed , they appear to be deviant most of the time . So if we simply set the hedging ratio to be one , the portfolio will still face the holding risk .