
  • 网络Deposit Account;saving account
  1. 把钱存入存款账户就可以获得利息。

    If you put money in a saving account it will earn interest .

  2. 如果我开一个支票账户或一个存款账户,什么时候可以提款?

    If I open up a checking or a saving account today , when can I withdraw money from it ?

  3. 德莫特把钱存在一个定期存款账户里。

    Dermot 's putting his money by , in a Deposit Account

  4. 他算出了他们活期存款账户上的余额总和。

    He figured up the balance in their checking account .

  5. 我在国民威斯敏斯特银行有两个账户,一个储蓄账户和一个活期存款账户。

    I had two accounts with Natwest , a savings account and a current account .

  6. 转成付息的活期存款账户,并保持账上有余额。多数银行和较大的购房互助会现在都能开立这种账户。

    Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit . Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts

  7. 户、B户均不得透支,而且,B户作为结算户的后备存款账户,不直接发生经济活动,资金不得对外支付。

    No overdraft is allowed in either a type AorB . What 's more , a type B account should not be directly involved in any transactions , nor be applied to any external withdrawal service .

  8. 这个想法来自于我的朋友Trent(参见网站),他每周从支票账户往存款账户转20美金。

    I got this idea from my friend Trent at The Simple Dollar , who automatically deducts $ 20 a week from his check to savings .

  9. 每家LEED认证的分支机构开设的存款账户比非LEED认证的普通分支机构多出458个,消费贷款余额平均高出994900美元。

    Each LEED branch opened 458 more deposit accounts , and booked consumer loan balances averaging $ 994,900 higher , than the typical non-leed PNC branch .

  10. 此外,EverBank还提供外币存款账户。

    Everbank also offers deposit accounts in foreign currencies .

  11. 我想活期存款账户可以满足你的要求。

    I think a current account will be to your satisfaction .

  12. 我要从我的支票存款账户里提款。

    I need to make a withdrawal from my checking account .

  13. 请问怎么开个储蓄存款账户?

    Would you tell me how to open a savings account ?

  14. 我们通常对个人提供活期存款账户和定期存款账户。

    Usually we offer current accounts and fixed accounts for individuals .

  15. 也谈个人存款账户实名制

    On the System of Personal Savings Account with Real Identity

  16. 定期存款账户最低要50元。

    The minimum deposit for a deposit account if50 yuan .

  17. 拥有15000欧元的存款账户变成了15000德拉克马。

    A savings account that held 15,000 euros is now 15,000 drachma .

  18. 活期储蓄储蓄存款账户我要开户。

    checking account saving account I need to open a bank account .

  19. 我以你的名字开一个存款账户。

    I open a savings account in your name .

  20. 我能把钱转到我的储蓄存款账户吗?

    Can I transfer money into my savings account ?

  21. 我从我的储蓄存款账户提领了三百元。

    I withdrew $ 300 from my savings account .

  22. 在银行我有一个定期存款账户。

    I have a deposit account with my bank .

  23. 您想开一个活期存款账户吗?

    Do u like to open a current account ?

  24. 我需要一个基本储蓄存款账户。

    I need to have a basic saving account .

  25. 我要从我的存款账户转账1000英镑到我的活期存款账户上。

    I want to transfer £ 1000 from my deposit to my current account .

  26. 进入银行户主可通过电子系统即刻查找自己的支票活期存款账户。(或:银行客户可通过电子系统立即取出活期存款。)

    Bank customers can have access to their checking accounts instantly through the electronic system .

  27. 我可以开一个存款账户吗?

    Can I open a savings account ?

  28. 个人活期存款账户的申请。

    Applicable to Individual Savings Account only .

  29. 在中国,储蓄与存款账户的种类繁多且十分复杂。

    The kinds of savings and checking accounts available in China are numerous and complex .

  30. 像储蓄存款账户和证书之类的工具要付一定利率的利息。

    Instruments like savings accounts and certificates of deposit pay a small rate of interest .