
  • 网络inventory investment
  1. 中国存货投资对经济增长的影响分析

    Analysis on the Influence of the Inventory Investment on Economic Growth

  2. 存货投资模型及其预测

    Model for Inventory Investment and Its Forecast

  3. 存货投资、通货膨胀和宏观经济波动

    Inventory Investment , Inflation and the Business Cycle

  4. 投资战略:固定资产投资与存货投资间存在负相关关系;

    Investment strategy : Investment in fixed assets makes negative correlation with stock in trade investment ;

  5. 在该策略下直运型供应链中的零售商可以在不进行店面和存货投资的基础上降低单位运输成本和扩大市场服务范围。

    In drop-shipping supply chain , the retailer can reduce unit transportation cost and expand market by the strategy that need not invest in storefront and inventory .

  6. 此时,零售商若增加临时价格折扣下的订货量,会享受更低的进价和订货费用,但较多的订货量同时会增加零售商的存货投资和库存费用。

    Increasing order quantity with temporary price discounts can reduce the purchase price and order fees on one hand , but on the other hand , more orders will increase retailers ' inventory investment and other inventory-related costs .

  7. 因此,要想税率优惠政策发挥应有的作用,中国应将其运用于存货投资或机器设备投资比例较高的行业,比如批发零售业或制造业。

    In order to play its due role , China should make the corporate with higher proportion of machinery and equipment investment enjoy low tax rate incentive , such as the wholesale and retail industry , manufacturing . 2 .

  8. 企业对建筑物和存货的投资两项得到上修,抵消了消费的下修。

    The lower estimate for consumption was offset by stronger business investment in buildings and inventories .

  9. 存货;库存投资投资咨询;投资顾问投资银行;投资银行服务投资级投资研究。

    Inventory Investment , Investing Investment advice , Investment advisor Investment bank , Investment banking Investment grade Investment research .

  10. 文章着重从资产评估风险的角度,就资产评估风险的表现,特别就对应收账款、存货、长期投资、无形资产等几项具体资产的评估提出了评估的风险状况及其防范措施。

    From the view of valuation risk and its appearance , the author puts forward the risks and avoidance measures by focusing on such specific assets as accounts receivable , stocks , long - term investments , and intangible assests .

  11. 就《企业会计制度》实施过程中存在的资产问题,如坏账准备问题、存货问题、投资问题、固定资产问题、无形资产问题等进行了深入的探讨,并提出了相关的建议。

    This paper probes into the assets problems existing in the implementation of the such as the provision for the bad debts , stocks , investment , fixed assets , and intangible assets , etc. , and puts forward some relevant suggestions .

  12. 如果你投入的时间范围是一周或两周,那么你是在营业存货,而不是投资。

    If you 're time horizon is a week or two , you are trading stocks , not investing .