
  1. 不良债券基金(26%)

    Distressed debt funds ( 26 % )

  2. 为再多一些定量宽松做好准备吧,其形式是大规模的不良债券购买。

    Cue up a touch more quantitative easement , in the shape of that big bad bond buy .

  3. 另外,市场上也有新的机会出现,比如不良债券处理&上次金融泡沫破灭后高盛开始逐渐擅长的领域。

    There are fresh opportunities , too , such as distressed debt & a field in which Goldman excelled after the last bust .

  4. 尽管布什原来的计划里没有限制企业主管报酬和成立一个跨党派委员会监督收购不良债券工作,他还是同意这样做了。

    Though not included in his original plan , President Bush has agreed to limits on executive compensation and a bipartisan board to oversee the purchase of failing securities .

  5. 实际上,程志宇说,中国经济有足够的增长潜力,但是如果缺少某种修正或调整,这个恶性循环将会持续下去,投资者将继续购买不良的债券并期待着政府将会买单。

    Indeed , Chovanec said China 's economy has plenty of potential growth , but without some kind of correction or adjustment , the cycle just keeps feeding itself and investors keep buying the bad debt in expectations that the government will keep covering it .

  6. 所以布什希望国会支付多达7000亿美元收购这些不良贷款和债券,让更多银行可以贷出更多的资金。

    So President Bush wants Congress to spend as much as $ 700 billion to buy up these bad loans and securities , giving more banks more money to lend .

  7. 一度属于不良债务的债券需求旺盛,这种现象正在引发一场辩论:投资者是在采取明智的行动,还是因为固定收益市场的其它领域缺乏机遇,而大举投资于垃圾债券?

    The intense demand for once-distressed bonds is stirring the debate about whether investors are acting wisely or piling into junk bonds because of a lack of opportunities elsewhere in the fixed-income markets .