
  1. 架上空间对谈&访中央美院副院长、著名画家孙为民先生

    TALKS ABOUT THE SPACE ON BOARD Interviewing with Mr. Sun Weimin , vice president of Central Arts Institute

  2. 苏宁总裁孙为民称在全国90%的地区,苏宁能够在两天之内送货。

    Company president Sun Weimin said Suning can deliver goods within two days in 90 percent of China 's cities .

  3. 孙为民的内心深处有一种人文主义的关怀,怀着一颗同情的心去了解他们,关心他们,温暖他们,歌颂他们。

    But for the people of a sort of humanism solicitude , with a sympathetic heart to understand them , and cares for them , and warm their praise .