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  1. 那次案件里,只身一人的持枪劫匪冲进了名为ChinaWok的中餐馆,向在那儿工作的53岁的孙英(音译)因为不会说英语,因而没有回应劫匪的要求,劫匪后来开枪打中了孙英。

    In that case , a single gunman stormed into a China Wok and shot 53-year-old Ying Sun , who was working there , when she didn 't respond to his demands because she didn 't speak English .

  2. 但她还是在庆祝会上弹了一会儿钢琴并透露说,儿童时代她曾是香港女钢琴家孙英的学生。

    But at this ceremony , she also played piano , disclosing that she had been a student of the Hong Kong female pianist Sun Yingduring her childhood .