
  1. 然后我把潞潞的娃娃房拽到车里,告诉她如果她到明天还不能完美地演奏“一头小白驴”我就把它一片一片地捐赠给基督教救世军(TheSalvationArmy)。

    Then I hauled Lulu 's dollhouse to the car and told her I 'd donate it to the Salvation Army piece by piece if she didn 't have " The Little White Donkey " perfect by the next day .

  2. 回到钢琴上,潞潞让我付出了代价。

    Back at the piano , Lulu made me pay .

  3. 当潞潞说:“我以为你去了救世军那里呢?你怎么还在这儿?”

    When Lulu said ," I thought you were going to the Salvation Army , why are you still here ?"