
  • 网络bengali;Bangladeshi;Bangladesh
  1. 在邻国印度,孟加拉人(Bengali)和阿萨姆人(Assamese)用达卡指称印度卢比。

    In neighboring India , speakers of Bengali and Assamese use the term taka to refer to the Indian Rupee .

  2. 记住你遇到的是一个孟加拉人!

    Remember that you have come across a Bengali guy !

  3. 印度人占7.9%,是第三大少数民族,包括若干民族&形成最大的印度人群泰米尔人,其他诸如马来人、Punjabis和孟加拉人。

    Indians are the third largest ethnic group at7.9 % , consisting of several groups-Tamils , who form the largest Indian group , and others such as Malayalees , Punjabis and Bengalis .

  4. 孟加拉人对印度东北部的侵蚀是一个重大问题。

    Infiltration from Bangladesh is a major issue in the Northeast .

  5. 所有这些灾难都积压在不幸的孟加拉人身上。

    All these disasters piled up on the unfortunate bangladeshis .

  6. 另外一个住在我家里的孟加拉人。

    Uddin , another Bangdalesh guy in my home .

  7. 而且,一些孟加拉人别无选择。

    And some Bangladeshis may have no choice .

  8. 几千万孟加拉人和埃及人将无家可归。

    It will make tens of millions of people in Bangladesh and Egypt homeless .

  9. 这被看成是一个人口入侵问题,其目的是为了让孟加拉人多过当地原住民。

    It is viewed as a demographic invasion designed to out-populate scores of indigenous communities in the region .

  10. 最近的一起悲剧引发了大量的关注,那就是许多孟加拉人在恶劣环境下工作。

    A recent tragedy has brought a lot of attention to the bad conditions that many Bangladeshis work in .

  11. 孟加拉人有两大爱好:他们喜欢美食和甜点。

    And two of the things about Bengal : they like their savory dishes and they like their sweets .

  12. 去年12月14日,26名孟加拉人醒来后像往常一样,前往位于达卡的服装厂上班。

    On December 14 last year , 26 Bangladeshis woke up and left as usual for their Dhaka garment factory .

  13. 结论:中国传统针灸推拿疗法对孟加拉人膝关节炎合并滑膜炎疗效满意。

    Conclusion Chinese traditional acupuncture , moxibustion and massage have satisfactory therapeutic effect on gonarthromeningitis complicated by knee osteoarthritis of Bengalese .

  14. 孟加拉人学会如何应对气候变化会,这更容易转移给缅甸人。

    It 's more transferable for Bangladesh to learn how to cope with an aspect of climate change and then let Myanmar know about it .

  15. 住在东印度北孟加拉的德拉威人。

    A member of the Dravidian people living in N Bengal in eastern India .

  16. 森写道:我可以既是亚洲人,又是印度公民,同时还是美国居民、英国学者、祖籍孟加拉的孟加拉人等等。

    Sen writes : I can be at the same time an Asian , an Indian citizen , a US resident , a British academic , a Bengali with Bangladeshi ancestry , etcetera .

  17. 几乎所有非孟加拉族的孟加拉国人都把Bangla当作第二语言。

    Almost all non-Bengali Bangladeshis speak Bangla as a second language .

  18. 警方说,他们已逮捕了27人,其中24人为印度籍,两人为孟加拉籍,一人是新加坡永久居民,年龄在23岁到45岁之间。

    Police said they arrested 27 people-24 Indian nationals , two Bangladeshis and one Singapore permanent resident , ages 23 to 45-who haven 't been named .

  19. 一位叔祖父是第一个为孟加拉行政会议长官做事的孟加拉人。

    A great-uncle was the first Bengali to serve in the governor of Bengal 's executive council .