
  • 网络Meng Hao-jan
孟浩然 [mèng hào rán]
  • [Meng Haoran] (689-740) 唐代襄阳(现在湖北省襄阳县)人。他与王维很要好,并称王、孟,是著名的山水田园诗人。《过故人庄》这首诗是作者隐居鹿门山时所作。他被一位村居的朋友邀请到家里作客,因而写了该诗。诗中描写了山村风光和朋友欢聚的生活场景。过( guò,旧读阴平。),过访、访问

  1. 吾爱孟夫子,风流天下闻。(李白《赠孟浩然》)

    I love the master , meng haoran , | a free spirit known the whole world through .

  2. 野旷天低树,江清月近人。(孟浩然《宿建德江》)

    Wilds so vast , the sky stoop to the trees ;| the river so clear , moon close to man .

  3. 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。(李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》)

    Lonely sail , distant shadow ,| vanish in blue emptiness ;| all I see is the great river | flowing to the far horizon .

  4. 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。(李白《送孟浩然之广陵》)

    You have left me behind , old friend , at the Yellow Crane terrace , | on your way to visit Yangzhou in the misty month of flowers .

  5. 略论孟浩然诗风的清与淡

    On the Clear and Light of Poetic Style of Meng Haoran

  6. 谈孟浩然隐逸不仕的内在原因

    The Internal Reasons Why MENG Hao-ran Failed to be an Official

  7. 治世之音安以乐&论孟浩然诗中的盛唐气象

    The Phenomenon of Prosperous Tang Dynasty in Meng Haoran 's poetry

  8. 孟浩然三游湖湘始末考

    A survey on MENG Hao-ran 's three journeys to Hunan Province

  9. 华兹华斯与孟浩然的诗歌境界比较

    The Realms Comparison between Wordsworth and Meng Haoran 's Poems

  10. 《送孟浩然之广陵》一诗英译文的语篇功能分析

    The Discourse Analysis of the English Versions of Farewell to Meng Haoran

  11. 孟浩然诗歌艺术特征新探

    The New Study to the Artistic Features of Meng Hao-ran 's Poems

  12. 《孟浩然集》中两首诗作者辨析

    Identifying the Writers of Two Poems in Collected Poems of Meng Haoran

  13. 孟浩然浙江山水诗综论

    Analysis of Meng Hao-ran 's Landscape ( Shanshui ) Poem of Zhejiang

  14. 孟浩然山水田园诗意象论析

    The Imagery in MENG Hao-ran 's Mountains and Waters Idyll

  15. 孟浩然的心态与诗境

    The Realm of MENG Hao-ran 's Poetry and the State of His Mind

  16. 孟浩然《春晓》英译赏析

    Appreciation of Meng Haoran 's Quatrain " Spring Dawn " in English Translation

  17. 孟浩然陶渊明田园诗审美视角之比较

    Aesthetic Perspective on Meng Haoran and Tao Yuanming 's Idyllic Poems : Comparison

  18. 游在科威特孟浩然诗歌辨伪

    Travel in Kuwait Fault-picking among MENG Hao-ran 's Poetry

  19. 孟浩然诗水意象解密

    The Decoding of the Image of Water Employed in Meng Haoran 's Poems

  20. 《孟浩然诗集》版本比较研究及其评述

    Comparative study and comment on the editions of " Meng Haoran Poetry "

  21. 孟浩然王维隐逸思想比较

    A Comparison of Meng Hao-ran ` s and Wang Wei ` s Hermit Ideas

  22. 论孟浩然山水田园诗之自然风格

    On Natural Style of Mountain , Water and Pastoral Poetry Written by MENG Hao-ran

  23. 了解更深层次的孟浩然。

    Understanding the deeper level on Meng Haoran .

  24. 解读的一种方式&孟浩然《春晓》审美分析

    A Way of Comprehension & An analysis of the poem Spring Morning by Meng Haoran

  25. 孟浩然诗歌的基本风格是清淡。

    The basic style of MENG Hao-ran 's poetry is " simple and elegant " .

  26. 论孟浩然的五律艺术

    Meng Haoran 's Art of Writing Pentameter

  27. 清美的自然流动的感情&浅谈孟浩然诗的风格特色

    Beautiful Lines and Deep Feelings & On Style and Characteristics of Meng Hao-ran 's Poems

  28. 评点视野下的孟浩然诗歌艺术&以刘辰翁评点孟浩然诗为例

    On Meng Haoran 's Poetry Art

  29. 唐代的“东都”洛阳,是孟浩然一生中往来最多的所在之一。

    Luoyang ," east capital " of Tang Dynasty , is one of most haunted places of MENG Hao-ran .

  30. 孟浩然受佛教的影响既有社会原因,也有个人的原因。

    There were social causes as well as personal causes in the influence of Buddhism , on Meng Haoran .