
  1. 2013年初春的一天,徐鹏的班主任老师把他叫到一边,说他有可能成为毛坦厂有史以来第一个考入清华大学的学生。这座位于北京的著名高校被誉为中国的麻省理工学院(MIT)。

    Xu 's head teacher pulled him aside early in the spring of 2013 to tell him that he had a chance to become the first Maotanchang student ever to be admitted to Beijing 's prestigious Tsinghua University , known as the M.I.T. of China .

  2. 可供选择的高中很少,徐鹏选择了毛坦厂中学。

    With few options left for high school , Xu turned to Maotanchang .

  3. 毛坦厂最有名的毕业生是19岁的徐鹏。他身材瘦削,头发耷拉下来遮住了眼睛。

    Maotanchang 's most famous graduate is a skinny 19-year-old with hair flopping over his eyes .

  4. 到毛坦厂后不久,徐鹏就觉得,老师们还不够严酷。

    Not long after arriving at Maotanchang , Xu decided that his teachers weren 't cruel enough .

  5. 清华大学在安徽省招收理科生的最低分数线是641分,徐鹏高出两分。

    Tsinghua 's minimum score for students from Anhui province taking the science exam was 641 . He made it by just two points .

  6. 状元指的是古代科举考试中的第一名。上一学年,毛坦厂中学的管理层把徐鹏请回校园,向300名经过挑选的学生,也就是每个班成绩排名最高的学生,做励志演讲。

    Maotanchang administrators brought Xu back to campus during the previous school year to give a motivational speech to 300 specially selected students - the top scorers from each class .

  7. 尽管努力要让母亲高兴,但是徐鹏在中考时还是失利了,没能进入该地区最好的高中。

    Despite bearing down to please his mother , Xu still faltered on the high-school entrance exam , ruining his chance to get into the region 's best high schools .

  8. 和中国的6000万“留守儿童”一样,徐鹏是由祖父母带大的,父母则在遥远的城市无锡贩卖水果。

    Xu grew up as one of China 's 60 million " left behind " children , raised by his grandparents while his parents worked as migrant fruit sellers in the distant city Wuxi .

  9. 然而,当徐鹏在初中表现失控时——逃课,与朋友偷偷外出,沉迷于电子游戏——祖父把父母叫回了宏景村(音)。

    His grandfather summoned his parents home to Hongjing village , however , when Xu spun out of control in middle school - skipping classes , sneaking out with his friends , becoming obsessed with video games .

  10. 在毛坦厂的第三年,母亲也来到这里,带着徐鹏住进了在镇上租的房间。这时徐鹏的考试成绩开始提高到年级第一——几千人中的第一名。

    By his third year at Maotanchang , when his mother came to live with him in a rented room in town , Xu 's test scores began rising to the top of his grade - first among thousands .

  11. 去年春天,我在清华大学校园里的一片草坪上和徐鹏碰面,当时他的第一学年就快结束,但仍然显得有些格格不入:一个来自农村的年轻人,穿着破旧的外套,袖子捋到了手臂上。

    When I met Xu on Tsinghua 's grassy campus last spring , near the end of his first year , he still looked out of place : a young villager in a threadbare blazer , sleeves pushed up his arms .

  12. 徐鹏的成就在毛坦厂家喻户晓,以至于杨维把他称作“偶像”。徐鹏和他母亲之前租住的房间,如今被宣传为“状元房”。

    Xu 's achievement is so well known in Maotanchang that Yang refers to him as " a cult figure . " The tiny space that Xu and his mother rented out last year is now advertised as the " zhuangyuan room , " a reference to the top scorer in the ancient imperial exam .