
  1. 徐嘉余在男子100米仰泳赛上摘得银牌。

    Xu Jiayu won the silver medal in the men 's 100m backstroke .

  2. 男子200米仰泳决赛,中国选手徐嘉余排名第四;

    In men 's 200m backstroke finals , Xu Jiayu of China ranked fourth .

  3. 而中国队的奖牌运并未就此终结,几分钟之后,徐嘉余在男子100米仰泳中赢得了一枚宝贵的银牌。

    China 's medal haul did not finish as Xu Jiayu won a stunning silver in the men 's 100m backstroke minutes later .

  4. 在徐嘉余夺冠前,中国泳坛明星孙杨夺得了他在世锦赛男子200米自由泳项目上的首枚金牌。

    Before Xu 's triumph , Chinese swimming star Sun Yang clinched his first gold medal in men 's 200m freestyle at the World Championships .

  5. 徐嘉余在今年4月的全国冠军赛上游出过51秒86的好成绩,距离美国选手瑞恩·墨菲去年在里约创下的世界纪录只差0.01秒。

    Xu finished 51.86 seconds in National Championships in April , just one hundredth second shy of the world record set by Ryan Murphy of the United States last year in Rio .

  6. 在周一的预赛和半决赛中位列第一的徐嘉余,(在决赛中)从出发后就处于领先位置。最终,他以54秒44的成绩登上了冠军的领奖台,比亚军美国选手、伦敦奥运会冠军马特·格里弗斯快了0.04秒。

    Xu , who ranked first in Monday 's heats and semifinals , built his leading position from the start and finished atop the podium with 52.44 seconds , beating his American opponent Matt Grevers , the London Olympic champion , by four hundredths second .

  7. 本周二,在布达佩斯举办的第17届国际泳联世界锦标赛中,中国奥运冠军孙杨首次摘得世锦赛男子200米自由泳的金牌。而中国另一名游泳小将徐嘉余则获得了男子100米仰泳的冠军,成为中国男子仰泳历史上第一位世界冠军。

    Olympic champion Sun Yang of China won his first title in men 's 200m freestyle at the 17th FINA World Championships in Budapest on Tuesday , while another Chinese swimmer Xu Jiayu claimed the champion of the men 's 100m backstroke , the first ever victory for Chinese male swimmers in the event at worlds .