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  1. 以扎兰屯徐地营子小流域为例对生态系统进行规划分析。

    Taking the small watershed of Xudiying in Zaerdong as an example , the planning and analysis of eco system were carried out .

  2. 中药口服痛风颗粒(土茯苓、蚕沙、威灵仙、粉萆薢、重楼、徐长卿、车前子等组成)。每日3次,1次1包(10g),共服2周。

    Gout medicine granules ( Tufuling , silkworm excrement , Clematis , Bixie , Chonglou , Xu Changqing , Plantago etc. ) . 3 times a day , 1 package ( 10g ) for once , serving a total of 2 weeks .