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měi fà
  • get a haircut; go to the hairdresser's
  • beautiful hair
  1. 他的美发天赋令他很快在当地一家发廊找到一份兼职工作。

    His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers .

  2. 肥皂曾经是一种制作方法很危险的美发产品。

    Once soap was a dangerous-to-make hair product .

  3. 她刚去过美发店,现在看起来完全像变了一个人。

    She had just been to her hairdresser and looked quite a different person .

  4. 亚历克西斯·费雷尔从2012年开始试验在头发打印图案,当时美发品牌威娜邀请他在同年的国际潮流视觉奖上为他们的一个系列设计发型。

    Alexis Ferrer started experimenting with hair printing in 2012 , after being asked by haircare brand Wella Professionals to interpret a collection at that year 's International Trend Vision Awards .

  5. 他的目标是“用一种不常用的美发技术来创新”,而在头发上打印图像似乎是用图形讲述故事的完美方式。

    The aim was to " innovate with a technique not usually used in hairdressing , " and photographic printing on hair seemed like the perfect way to graphically tell a story .

  6. 在俄勒冈州的波特兰市,有五家门店的连锁美发沙龙TheModernMan可提供来自当地供应商的啤酒与波旁威士忌。

    The Modern Man , a chain of five salons in Portland , Ore. , offers beer and bourbon from local purveyors .

  7. 中心还有一个装备齐全的SPA馆和美发沙龙。

    There is a fully fitted-out spa and a hairdressing salon .

  8. 据《美发百科:一部文化史》(EncyclopediaofHair:ACulturalHistory)记载,在20世纪60年代中期,理发店数量骤减,成千上万家店面关门大吉。

    According to " Encyclopedia of Hair : A Cultural History , " they went into a slump in the mid - " 60s , and thousands went out of business .

  9. 来自SimplicityRemastered美发中心的发型师NickDavis解释了他使用哪种香波或洗发水。

    Nick Davis , a hair stylist from Simplicity Remastered explains about what shampoos or hair cleansers he uses .

  10. 苏离开拉斯维加斯大道(LasVegasStrip)的高级餐厅,在一个小型购物中心美发店的一角做包子,独自开启自己的事业。

    Mr. Su is a refugee from fine-dining kitchens on the Las Vegas Strip who started a solo career making bao in a corner of a strip-mall hair salon .

  11. 目的了解美容美发业女性从业人员性传播疾病(STD)的感染状况,为制定防治对策提供依据。

    Objective To understand STD infection situation in female attendants who worked in the places of amusement in Huaibei city and provide scientific evidence for making strategies of STD prevention and control .

  12. 请问您通过什么途径了解到SUHO的美发机构?

    What way through to know the salon institutions SUHO ?

  13. 据RegisCorp.首席执行长芬克史坦(PaulD.Finkelstein)的说法,并没有。该公司运营有Supercuts连锁店,还有一系列其他美发店,有些店非常的奢华。

    Not according to Paul D. Finkelstein , chief executive of Regis Corp. , which operates the Supercuts chain and a slew of other salons , some quite fancy .

  14. 在和美容师尼基克拉克(NickyClarke)离婚18年后,莱斯莉克拉克(LesleyClarke)仍主管着同名美发护发品牌的商业事宜。

    Eighteen years after separating from the hairdresser Nicky Clarke , Lesley Clarke still directs the business side of the eponymous salon and haircare brand .

  15. 大家好,我的名字是NickDavis,来自SimplicityRemastered美发中心。今天我要向大家讲述我们用来护理头发的产品。

    Hi , my name is Nick Davis from Simplicity Remastered and I am here to speak to you today about the products we use to look after your hair .

  16. 巯基乙酸(TGA)是一种重要的精细化工中间体,由于分子中同时含有羧基和巯基两个极性基团,广泛应用于美容美发、分析、医药、PVC生产等各个领域。

    Thioglycolic acid ( TGA ) is an important fine chemical intermediates as it contains both carboxyl and sulfhydryl , it is widely used in beauty salons , analysis , pharmaceutical , PVC production and other fields .

  17. 宾馆康乐项目齐全,有桑拿中心、舞厅、KTV包厢、美容美发、桌球室、棋牌室、健身房等;

    The hotel has completed entertainment facilities such as sauna center , KTV rooms , billiard room , chess & card rooms , gym room etc.

  18. 如果让您向亲人或朋友推荐美发店,请问您推荐SUHO造型的可能性怎么样呢?

    If you let your friends or relatives to recommend the hairdresser , would you recommend SUHO modelling of possibility ?

  19. 当问及是否想上大学&进入许多亚洲家庭心中的神圣殿堂,年轻的理发师Noel回答说他宁愿去开家美发沙龙。

    Asked whether he wants to go to university , the holy grail of most Asian families , a young barber called Noel replies that he would rather open a hairdressing salon .

  20. 然而收购价格却更像美发店,而不是超市&几乎是截至6月份的上一财年息税折旧及摊销前收益(EBITDA)的15倍。

    The price is more salon than supermarket , at almost 15 times earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation for the past fiscal year to June .

  21. 宾馆的商务中心,美容美发厅,KTV,健身房,网球场,大型停车场等其他设施,助您的上海之行得心应手,事半功倍。

    Other facilities such as beauty salon , KTV , fitness club , tennis court and a spacious car-park will accommodate your every need with efficient services for your stay in Shanghai .

  22. 卸下心中的一切,轻轻松松到KTV、足疗按摩中心抑或到美容美发厅,娱乐消遣一番,都是个不错的选择。

    Unload everything from your heart , it 's a better choice to easily enjoy KTV , feet massage center or beauty saloon , as well as entertainment center in the hotel .

  23. 三楼海湾娱乐宫设有多功能歌舞厅、台球房、健身房、棋牌室、KTV包厢、网球场、美容美发室。

    Haiwan recreational centre on the third floor consists of dance and Karaoke hall , billiards room , gym , Chess & Cards room , KTV BOX , tennis court and beauty salon .

  24. Regis的低档美发店顾客理发次数减少了4%-5%,不过其高档美发店的顾客理发次数却减少了10%-11%。

    Visits at low-end Regis salons are down 4 % to 5 % , but they 're down 10 % to 11 % at the chain 's high-end salons .

  25. 商务中心、会议中心、健身房、KTV包厢、咖啡酒吧,美容美发等各类设施一应俱全。

    The hotel is complete with all entertainment and recreational amenities including a business center , conventional hall , a gym , KTV box , caf é and bar , and a beauty parlor .

  26. AmusedByMuse慕斯带来的惊喜东京东急株式会社旗下的慕斯美容美发,想出了一个巧妙地使用染发样品头发的替代方法。那些染过色且被扭绞并编成辫子的头发,曾在染发剂机架上,被公开地展出。

    The Muse Beauty Salon ( c / o Tokyu Agency Inc. , Tokyo ) has come up with an ingenious alternate use for those twisted and braided samples of dyed hair commonly displayed at the hair dye rack .

  27. 转行的契机在她和男友分手之后出现了。卖掉公寓的阿诺德发现,她有足够的钱在维达尔.沙宣(VidalSassoon)美发学校学习一门课程。

    The tipping point came after she split up with her boyfriend and , having sold her flat , found she had enough money to finance a course at Vidal Sassoon 's hairdressing school .

  28. 另设有商务中心、棋牌室、美发中心、足浴部、咖啡、酒吧、KTV等附属配套设施,是商务休闲、娱乐的理想场所。

    On the other hand , some other facilities in the hotel , like business center , chess room , hair dressing salon , foot care , coffee , bar , and KTV , are ready for your business and entertainment .

  29. 弗林特虽然是四个女儿的父亲,但是从来没有对美容美发感兴趣过——直到他听说宝宝与宝宝集团(BumbleandBumble)于2000年以据说1亿美元的价格把雅诗兰黛卖了出去,他才对这个行业上了心。

    Despite being dad to four daughters , Flint was never interested in hair and skincare -- until he heard about Bumble and Bumble 's 2000 sale to Est é e Lauder ( EL ) for a reported $ 100 million .

  30. 公寓位于一家美发沙龙楼上,家具不多,但看上去十分完美:白色的地砖,时髦的绿色沙发,玻璃茶几,一张办公桌上放着一台大电视,是三洋(sanyo)牌的。

    They shared a two-bedroom apartment above a hair salon . The flat was sparsely furnished but immaculate , with a white tile floor , a modern green couch , a glass coffee table and a giant Sanyo television placed on top of an office desk .