
  1. 美人之美:多民族文化的战略选择

    " The Beauteousness of Beauties ": the Strategic Choice of Multi-Nationality Culture

  2. 社会学家费孝通先生曾经提出作为一个世界大国和文明古国,中国应有这样的文化胸怀和文化志向:“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同”。

    Noted sociologist Fei Xiaotong had said that as one of the major powers with ancient civilizations , China should have broad breadth of mind and cultural ambition .

  3. 当代回族清真文化的美人之美对于回族文化的可持续发展有着特殊的意义和价值。

    Contemporary Hui nationality " Islamic culture ", " Lady of the United States " for the sustainable development of a culture of the Hui nationality is of special significance and value .