
  1. 1979年夏季季风试验时期一个孟加拉湾低压中凝结加热的分布

    The distributions of the latent heating in a depression over the bay of Bengal during 1979 summer MONEX

  2. 1998年南海季风试验期间海-气通量的估算

    Estimate of air-sea fluxes during South China Sea Monsoon Experiment in 1998

  3. 1979年季风试验期间东亚地区夏季风爆发时期的观测研究

    An observational study on the onset of the summer monsoon over Eastern Asia in 1979

  4. 利用1998年南海季风试验逐日再分析资料,分析了1998年夏季梅雨期内凝结潜热加热对西太平洋副热带高压(下称西太副高)中短期活动的影响。

    By means of daily reanalysis data of the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment in 1998 , the influence of condensation latent heating on mid - and short-term activities of West Pacific Subtropical High ( WPSH ) during Meiyu period 1998 is studied .

  5. 使用1998年南海季风试验期间高质量资料和NCEP/NCAR40年再分析资料分析了南海季风建立前后的大尺度环流特征和要素的突变及爆发过程。

    The high quality dataset from the SCS ( South China Sea ) Monsoon Experiment and 40 - year NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data are used to investigate the large scale features and abrupt change in meteorological elements during the onset of the SCS summer monsoon .

  6. 南亚夏季西南季风成因的数值试验研究

    Numerical experiment research of the cause of southwest monsoon formation in South Asia