
jì dù
  • quarter;quarterly
季度 [jì dù]
  • (1) [quarter]∶每三个月为一个季度

  • 一季度

  • (2) [quarterly]∶以一季为时间单位的

  • 按季度出版

季度[jì dù]
  1. 本季度销售额从3870万下降到3300万。

    Sales for this quarter have dipped from 38.7 million to 33 million .

  2. 这家公司本季度亏损了700万元,与去年同期620万元的赢利形成了对照。

    The company lost $ 7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $ 6.2 million a year earlier .

  3. 上个季度对我来说是一次学习。

    Last season was a learning experience for me .

  4. 第一季度工人每小时的产量下降了1.3%。

    Hourly output by workers declined 1.3 % in the first quarter

  5. 公司名录大全每季度出版一次。

    A full listing of the companies will be published quarterly

  6. 第一季度的股息增长了近4%。

    The first quarter dividend has been increased by nearly 4 per cent .

  7. 第三季度的结果表明生产率持续上升。

    The third-quarter results reflect continued improvements in productivity

  8. 该集团表示第三季度的结果将于10月29日公布。

    The group said results for the third quarter are due on October 29 .

  9. 他们的季度会议乏善可陈。

    Their quarterly meetings were anodyne affairs .

  10. 今年第一季度经济增速缓慢。

    The economy grew at a snail 's pace in the first three months of this year .

  11. 那是3个公司中唯一一家预计会在本季度盈利的公司。

    It is the only one of the three companies expected to show a profit for the quarter

  12. 它的股票在第一季度陷入低迷,但现在累计已有20%的涨幅。

    Its shares were down across the first quarter , but are now showing a 20 per cent uplift .

  13. “其实我们本意是一季度一次。”——“哦,一季度一次,对不起,我还以为一月一次呢。”

    ' We 're meant to do it quarterly actually . ' — ' Oh quarterly , I beg your pardon , I thought it was monthly . '

  14. 她认为第三季度的出口数字肯定被夸大了。

    She believes that the export figures of the third quarter must have been exaggerated .

  15. 她按季度付房租。

    She pays her rent by the quarter .

  16. 我应在本季度末前到银行结账。

    I should manage to square accounts with the bank before the end of the quarter .

  17. 他在每个季度末付房租。

    He pays his rent at the end of each quarter .

  18. 我的房租一季度一付。

    I pay my rent by the quarter .

  19. 店主把上一季度盘存的全部服装作为损耗在账上注销。

    The store owner charged off all of the last season 's stock of suits .

  20. 委员会每季度开一次会。

    The committee meets quarterly .

  21. 第一季度的钢产量超过历史同期的最高水平。

    The steel output in the first quarter of the year was higher than the previous record for that period .

  22. 今年第一季度的出口比去年同期增长20%。

    Exports for the first three months are larger by20 percent than those for the corresponding period of last year .

  23. 去年征收、但在本季度业绩中才计入的英国奖金税,令摩根大通每股盈利减少0.14美元。

    The UK bonus tax , which was imposed last year but recognised in this quarter 's results , trimmed $ 0.14 from earnings per share .

  24. 我到职之日,公司宣布:第三季度亏损几乎达到一亿六千万美元,这是历史上最大的亏空。

    The day I came aboard , the company had announced a third-quarter loss of almost $ 160 million , the worst deficit in its history .

  25. 果不其然,美国人口普查局刚刚发布的数据显示,2015年第一季度至2016年第一季度,网上零售额激增了15。2%

    Sure enough , the Census Bureau just released data showing that online retail sales surged 15.2 percent between the first quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016 .

  26. 互联网向商业开放了20多年,美国人口普查局的数据显示,2016年第一季度,实体店销售额占零售总额的92。3%。

    More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce , the Census Bureau tells us that brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016 .

  27. 与此同时,城市学生每年有多达48周的学习时间,每季度休息一次。

    Urban students , meanwhile , regularly had as many as 48 weeks of study a year , with one break per quarter .

  28. Budgetflush指每年第四季度常见的消费热潮,(预算结余)不花就不是你的了,即“突击花钱”。

    Budget flush is the " use it or lose it " spending spree that occurs near the end of the fourth quarter .

  29. 2020年第二季度美国GDP暴跌31.4%,创下大萧条时期以来的最大降幅,随后第三季度反弹33.4%。

    The economy contracted at a post-Depression record 31.4 % in the second quarter then rebounded to a 33.4 % gain in the following three months .

  30. 请听Lan说一会儿,他将向我们汇报公司上个季度的业绩。

    e.g. Please give your ear to Lan for a moment . He 's going to update us about the company 's performance last quarter .