
  1. 中国作家刘慈欣荣获了2015年最佳科幻小说雨果奖(HugoAward)。

    The Chinese writer Liu Cixin has won the 2015 Hugo Award for best science-fiction novel .

  2. 这是经典的科幻小说故事,有着英国科幻小说大师阿瑟·C·克拉克(ArthurC.Clarke)的风格,刘慈欣说,自己从小就看克拉克的小说。

    It is a classic science-fiction story in the style of the British master Arthur C. Clarke , whose work Mr. Liu says he grew up reading .

  3. 刘慈欣本次获奖的作品是《三体》三部曲中的第一部,其英译本去年由托尔图书出版社(TorBooks)出版。

    The award is for " The Three-Body Problem , " which was published in English last year by Tor Books and is the first volume of a trilogy that has been a major best seller in China .

  4. 现年54岁的刘慈欣并不是雨果奖的新人了。

    Liu , 54 , is not a Hugo Award newcomer .

  5. 刘慈欣曾担任山西省某发电厂的软件工程师。

    He worked as a software engineer at a power plant in Shanxi .

  6. 刘慈欣的小说大受欢迎可能也有所帮助。

    The popularity of Liu 's novels could help .

  7. 27岁的吴莲(音译)见到刘慈欣后,不禁激动得发抖。

    One , Wu Liang , 27 , trembled with excitement after her encounter with Mr. Liu .

  8. 刘慈欣走出电梯,穿过人流,来到桌前。

    Mr. Liu stepped out of the elevator and made his way through the throngs to the table .

  9. 刘慈欣是中国最受欢迎的科幻作家,现年52岁的他著有13作品。

    Liu Cixin , China 's most popular science-fiction writer , is 52 years old and has written thirteen books .

  10. 刘慈欣说,在大屏幕上看到《流浪地球》,“震撼心灵。”

    Seeing the " The Wandering Earth " on the screen , Liu said , was " soul shaking . "

  11. 导论部分对刘慈欣的研究现状进行了总结概括,并说明了本课题研究的意义与思路。

    Introduction is mainly about the summary of Liu Cixin ' sresearch status , and explains the significance and ideas of this research .

  12. 网飞公司宣布,计划将刘慈欣的《三体》三部曲改编成一部原创的英文科幻电视剧。

    Netflix just announced its plans to turn Cixin Liu 's " The Three-Body Problem " trilogy into an original , English-language science fiction series .

  13. 但最重要的是,就像许多成功的科幻小说作品一样,刘慈欣的作品因传达了人类对于未来的担忧而大热。

    Yet most importantly , Liu 's work , like many successful works of science fiction , is popular because it voices our concern with the future .

  14. 另外,根据刘慈欣所著的小说《流浪地球》改编的电影于去年上映,成为中国有史以来票房最高的电影之一。

    Meanwhile , a cinematic adaptation of Liu 's novel " The Wandering Earth " was released last year and became one of China 's highest-grossing films of all time .

  15. 自第三部于2010年出版后,该系列每一部的中文版都卖出了约50万册,令刘慈欣成为几十年来最畅销的中国科幻小说作家。

    Since the third book was published in 2010 , each entry in the series has sold about 500000 copies in the original Chinese , making Mr. Liu the best-selling Chinese science-fiction author in decades .

  16. 中国正处在高速现代化与发展的过程中,有点像20世纪30年代到60年代的美国,那也是科幻小说发展的黄金时期,刘慈欣说。

    China is on the path of rapid modernization and progress , kind of like the U.S. during the golden age of science fiction in the ' 30s to the ' 60s , Mr. Liu said .

  17. 一年一度的华语星云奖是中国科幻作家和读者最大的盛会之一,这个月的第五届星云奖充分显示了刘慈欣在科幻界的崇高地位。

    Mr. Liu 's revered status in the genre was evident this month at a book signing at the fifth annual Chinese Nebula Awards , one of the largest gatherings of science-fiction writers and fans in China .

  18. 他们包括去年凭借《三体》赢得雨果奖最佳小说的亚洲第一人刘慈欣,以及来自美国的、屡次获奖的作家大卫·布林。

    They include Liu Cixin , who last year became the first Asian author to win the Hugo Award for Best Novel for his book The Three-Body Problem , and David Brin , an award-winning author from the United States .

  19. 将刘慈欣最著名的三部曲《三体》改编为电影的计划于2015年被选中,甚至进行了拍摄,但是据报道,由于技术上的挑战和成本问题,后期制作一直处于停滞状态。

    A film project based on Liu 's best-known work , the trilogy that began with " The Three-Body Problem , " was optioned and even filmed in 2015 but has since languished in postproduction , reportedly because of technical challenges and costs .

  20. 北京——工程师刘慈欣在山西附近的一座发电站工作(为减少空气污染,该站已经暂时关闭),他用业余时间经营自己的爱好,当上了中国最畅销的科幻小说作家。

    With a state-owned power plant in nearby Shanxi Province temporarily shut down to reduce air pollution , one of its engineers , Liu Cixin , is using the free time to work on his hobby : reigning as China 's best-selling science-fiction author .

  21. 51岁的刘慈欣目前在创作一部新小说,也在给自己之前小说的电影改编剧本提建议。此外他还在宣传自己的小说《三体》的英译本,这是他的畅销天启太空歌剧三部曲中的第一部。

    Along with working on a new novel and advising on screenplay adaptations of his earlier fiction , Mr. Liu , 51 , has been promoting the English translation of " The Three-Body Problem , " the first book in his best-selling apocalyptic space opera trilogy .

  22. 《流浪地球》和《疯狂的外星人》均改编自刘慈欣的作品,这位作家在中国引领了一场科幻小说复兴,2015年,他成为首位获得雨果奖的中国作家。

    Both " The Wandering Earth " and " Crazy Alien " are adapted from works by Liu Cixin , the writer who has led a renaissance in science fiction here , becoming the first Chinese winner of the Hugo Award for the genre in 2015 .

  23. 上周刘慈欣在参加一场放映会时指出,中国的科幻电影可以追溯到1930年代,当时导演杨小仲拍摄了《化身人猿》和《六十年后上海滩》等电影,但1949年共产主义革命之后,这些电影在中国基本上被遗忘了。

    Liu , who attended a screening last week , noted that science-fiction films in China dated as far back as the 1930s , when the director Yang Xiaozhong made ones like " Exchanged " and " Visiting Shanghai After 60 Years , " but those were largely forgotten here after the Communist revolution in 1949 .

  24. 刘慈欣在接受《澎湃新闻》的采访时表示:“这是一家创意公司。许多想法和创新工作都会在这里诞生。这个项目会聚焦人工智能,当项目官方成立后,我们有机会和科学家一起工作。”

    Liu Cixin told The Paper in an interview : " This is an innovative organization . Many ideas , along with innovative work , will be born here . The project will focus on artificial intelligence , and there will be an opportunity for us to work with scientists once the project is officially launched . "