
liú xíng sè
  • fashionable (or faddish, season) colour
  1. 柔软的运动衣,鲜艳的流行色,我们的产品迎合顾客所需。

    Soft sportswear in a Bright fashionaBle colour . We produce what the customers desire .

  2. 就流行色在亚麻针织服装中的应用及造型设计进行了研究。

    Study on the application of fashionable colour and the style design for the flax knitted clothes .

  3. 橘黄色是今年的流行色。

    Orange is the big colour this year .

  4. 紫色是今年春天的流行色。

    Purple is the in colour this spring .

  5. 黑色又成了流行色。

    Black is in vogue again .

  6. 深深浅浅的各种木槿色、丁香色、熏衣草色和紫色都是流行色。

    All shades of mauve , lilac , lavender and purple were fashionable .

  7. 例句蓝色的商务套装成为了一种城市新风尚。这本时尚杂志说,巧克力色和橄榄绿将成为今秋的流行色。

    This fashion magazine says chocolate and olive green will be the new black this autumn .

  8. 流行色(FashionColor)现象是现代色彩消费行为中的一大重要特征。

    The phenomena fashion color is a great character of the behavior of color consumption .

  9. 计算机在流行色视觉心理分析中的应用

    The Usage of Psychological Sense Analysis of Fashion Color with Computer

  10. 看,粉色是今年的流行色啊。

    Look , pink is the most popular color this year .

  11. 所以流行色的准确预测显得极为重要。

    So the exact forecast of fashion color seems very important .

  12. 手机流行色预测研究与应用

    Forecast Research and Application in Fashion Color of Mobile Phone

  13. 用回归分析法预测服装流行色

    Forecasting the Fashion Color of Clothing by Regression Analysis Method

  14. 求新心理、流行色与艺术设计

    Psychology of Seeking New , Popular Colour and Art Design

  15. 这一季的流行色是什么?

    A : What is the color of the season ?

  16. 流行色在服装上的应用

    The Application of the Fashionable Color in the Dress Designing

  17. 流行色的服装穿着心理尖点模型研究

    Analysis on Wearing Psychology of Fashion Color Based on Cusp Catastrophe Model

  18. 本文就流行色在粗平花呢设计的技巧上进行了阐述。

    The article expounds the design skill of popular colour of the tweed .

  19. 这颜色是上一季的流行色,还有。

    The color is last season , and besides .

  20. 流行色特性分析与流行色信息系统应用探讨

    Study on characteres analysis of fashion color and application of its information system

  21. 瑰丽多彩是当代女子服装的流行色。

    Today 's popular color for women 's clothes is Beautiful and colorful .

  22. 这颜色是上一季的流行色还有

    The color is last season , and besides ,

  23. 服装流行色预测方法及量化思想比较分析

    Fashion colors forecast method and quantification thought comparative analysis

  24. 中国流行色协会第七届会员代表大会在北京举行

    The 7th Member Conference Of Chinese Fashion color Association

  25. 紫色是这个季节的流行色。

    Purple is the color of the season .

  26. 这是今年的流行色。

    This color is in fashion this year .

  27. 浅色绝对是今夏流行色。

    Pale colours are definitely in this summer .

  28. 色彩理念、本土文化、产品定位国际流行色在中国应用的三个要素

    Color Idea , Native Culture And Product Location

  29. 计算机在流行色管理方面的应用

    The usage of fashion color management with computer

  30. 红色是今年的流行色。

    Red is the in color this year .