
  1. 布尔默公司是巴黎水和牙买加红带拉格啤酒的英国分销商。

    Bulmer is the UK distributor for Perrier and the Jamaican lager Red Stripe

  2. 我们的早餐不包括巴黎水,如果您要,要另外付钱。

    The breakfast no served perrier , if you want it your have to pay some money .

  3. 当阳光混合的溴和氯在巴黎的水,溴酸钾可致癌物质形式。

    When sunlight mixes with the bromide and chlorine in Ivanhoe 's water , the carcinogen bromate can form .

  4. 实际上柠檬水首次出现是在17世纪的巴黎,卖柠檬水的人背着装饮料的容器穿街过巷,按杯卖给路人。

    It was actually first created in Paris in the17th century where it was sold by the cup from containers carried on the backs of people walking through the streets .