
  • 网络Pop Rock;pop-rock;Pop/Rock
  1. 他对于古典元素很敏感,但同时他也曾为流行摇滚乐队合成过。

    He has a sensibility for classical elements , but also for the pop rock bands that he mixes .

  2. 摇滚,流行,流行摇滚,游艇岩。

    Rock , pop , pop rock , yacht rock .

  3. 流行摇滚/电子乐队TheWhiteTieAffair就是以这个习语命名的。

    The pop / electronica band The White Tie Affair chose to name themselves with this idiom .

  4. 他们演奏的音乐包括70年流行摇滚歌曲以及现代摇滚旋律。

    They deliver some real rock'n roll goodies from the70 's as well as modern rock tunes .

  5. 在昨晚举行的“全美音乐大奖”上,当红偶像贾斯汀-比伯成为了当仁不让的最大赢家,一个人抱得了“最佳流行摇滚男歌手”“最受欢迎专辑”以及“年度最具突破歌手”三项大奖。

    Justin Bieber was the big winner of the evening at the American Music Awards last night , taking home four accolades including Favorite Pop / Rock Male Artist , Favorite Album and Breakthrough Artist of the Year during the ceremony at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles .

  6. 这位18岁的歌手也因《Believe》赢得了最受欢迎流行/摇滚专辑奖和男艺术家奖。

    The 18-year-old also won favorite pop / rock album for Believe , and male artist .

  7. Adele也是周日当晚电视广播的三大奖项的赢家,但是其中两个奖项最受欢迎当代成人艺术家和最受欢迎流行/摇滚女歌手并没有在镜头前颁发。

    Adele was also a three-time winner on Sunday night 's telecast , but two of her awards favorite adult contemporary artist and favorite pop / rock female artist weren 't given out on camera .

  8. 他们谱写的歌曲卓尔不群,曲风从流行到摇滚无所不包,在音乐之路上不断尝试和探索。

    They wrote brilliant songs that ranged from pop to rock , experimenting along the way .

  9. 佩里无意与一般的流行-摇滚偶像为伍,而是以色彩斑斓的穿着及直接明了的歌词自成一派。

    Unwilling to join the ranks of the average pop-rock idols , Perry developed a controversial style featuring colorful dresses and straightforward lyrics .

  10. 整个70年代,他控制了流行和摇滚的空中电波,使得他在全世界声名大燥,当时年仅30岁。

    Elton John ruled the pop and rock airwaves throughout the70s , allowing him to attain superstar status around the world by the time he was30 .

  11. 维他命于1999年成立于洛杉矶,为乐迷带来高质量的弦乐四重奏,沙发音乐以及电子音乐向流行及摇滚艺术家们致敬。

    Vitamin Records was formed in Los Angeles in1999 to provide music lovers with high quality string quartet , lounge and electronic tributes to major pop and rock artists .

  12. 发行个人专辑让他有机会探索自己在蓝调音乐上的兴趣,而在小破团里,他的曲风被限制在流行和摇滚音乐里。

    Having a solo record allowed Malik to explore his interests in R & B music , whereas previously he 'd been limited to the pop / rock he performed with One Direction .

  13. 在电视上颁发给她的是最受欢迎流行/摇滚专辑(疯狂畅销数百万的《21》),但很可惜她没能亲自去领奖,因为刚做完声带手术的她正在疗养恢复中。

    On camera , she won for favorite pop / rock album for her multi-million-selling smash 21 , but sadly wasn 't able to be there to accept it , since she 's recovering from vocal cord surgery .

  14. 西班牙研究人员利用电脑对发行于1955到2010间50万首流行、摇滚和嘻哈歌曲的主要特点进行分析,分析结果并没有使年龄35岁左右的人群感到意外。

    The finding , which will come as no surprise to all those over the age of 35 or so , comes from Spanish researchers who carried out a computer analysis of the key features of almost half a million pop , rock and hip hop songs from 1955 to 2010 . This revealed today 's tracks to be louder .

  15. 流行乐和摇滚乐的创作方式不同。

    Pop songs and rock songs are written in different ways .

  16. 流行音乐和摇滚音乐领域的坏名声超过好名声。

    Ill repute outweighs good in pop and rock .

  17. 是的,确实如此,现在大多数人都喜欢听流行乐和摇滚乐。

    Yes . Indeed , nowadays most people like to listen to pop and rock music .

  18. 她为现代流行乐和摇滚乐注入了新鲜的元素,在专辑销量上也获得了巨大的成功。

    She added some new flavor to modern pop and rock music with her incredibly marketable success .

  19. 乐队表演各种风格的音乐?流行音乐,摇滚音乐和火爆流行音乐。

    The band plays all kinds of music ? pop music , rock music , and the latest hits .

  20. 埃尔顿?约翰是获得五次格莱美奖,一次奥斯卡的流行音乐/摇滚歌手、作曲家和钢琴家。

    Elton John is a five-time Grammy and one-time Academy Award-winning English pop / rock singer , composer and pianist .

  21. 9月4日发表的一份报告首次对歌星死亡率进行了全面研究,结果显示,流行歌手和摇滚明星确实生活放纵,且更容易英年早逝。

    Pop and rock stars really do live fast and die young , the first comprehensive study of musicians ' mortality , published on the 4 Sep , says .

  22. 可持续快乐与及时行乐享乐观的理性对应流行乐和摇滚乐的创作方式不同。

    A Sensible Correspondence Between " Sustainable Happiness " and the Optimistic Ambition of " Ease & Pleasure in Time " Pop songs and rock songs are written in different ways .

  23. 不计其数的俱乐部、音乐厅、音乐节上演着种类繁多的各式音乐,从古典到流行,从摇滚到爵士,从世界音乐到实验音乐,无所不包。

    There are numerous clubs , concert venues and festivals where music of all kinds is presented ranging from classical over pop , rock , * to jazz , world music and experimental .

  24. 然而,与音乐本身同样重要的是音乐所包含的内容,而在这一点上,乡村音乐与流行乐、摇滚、说唱乐以及其他流派非常不一样。

    As important as the music itself , though , is the music 's message ; here again , country music is very different from pop , rock , rap or other popular music forms .

  25. 在今天的节目当中我们要来了解一下伦敦的一所著名的音乐场馆,这里以上演各种各样的音乐会而闻名,从流行音乐到摇滚,从古典音乐到芭蕾。

    Neil : Well that 's good , because in today 's programme we 're going to hear all about a venue in London that 's famous for putting on all kinds of music-from pop and rock to classical and ballet .

  26. “涅磐”乐队做到了不可能做到的事,录制了一张既有流行风又带有摇滚范儿的唱片。

    ' Nirvana ' squared the circle by making a record that was both superb pop and rock music at the same time .

  27. 神话的曲风并不固定,初期他们推出的是当时颇为流行的泡泡糖摇滚乐(如歌曲《Eusha,Eusha》),在第四张专辑《Hey,Comeon!》中,他们也推出了不少常规的流行乐。

    Shinhwa has changed musical styles many times throughout their existence , beginning with typical bubblegum pop songs ( as seen with their song Eusha , Eusha ) like other pop singers at the time . They also did regular pop songs as well , with the release of their 4th album Hey , Come On ! .

  28. 细细的眉毛、烟熏眼妆、唇线又重新流行起来,垃圾摇滚和哥特文化也兴盛一时。

    Thin eyebrows , smoky eyes and lip liner were once again the order of the day while grunge and goth culture also had their moment

  29. 在城市里,收音机能调出各种流派的音乐:流行乐、硬摇滚、软摇滚/成人现代、灵歌/节奏与布鲁斯、说唱/嘻哈、乡村、爵士、蓝调,甚至还有古典音乐;

    In cities , a survey of radio stations yields music of every kind : pop , hard rock , soft rock / adult contemporary , soul / rhythm and blues , rap / hip-hop , country , jazz , blues , and even classical .

  30. 观看展览的观众还可以坐进录音棚(虚构的厂牌嵇康唱片),欣赏华语世界中具有抗争精神的音乐合集,无论是流行、朋克还是摇滚音乐。

    Visitors to the show can also sit in a recording studio ( presented under the fictional label Xi Kang Records ) and browse through an archive of music of dissent in the wider Chinese-speaking world , whether pop , punk or rock ' n ' roll .