
  1. 孤独症儿童融合教育干预的个案研究

    A Case Study on Inclusive Education Intervention to An Autism Child

  2. 在孤独症儿童的教育康复理论与实践中,人们往往更多地关注传统的教育干预方法,而忽视了现代教育技术手段的研究与应用。

    In the theory and practice of rehabilitation and education for autistic children , people tend to pay attention to traditional educational interventions , neglecting the research and application of modern educational technology .

  3. 特别是这一类儿童对听觉的刺激反应异常,对别人的话无法理解,这就造成了对孤独症儿童进行训练与教育时的困难。

    The children have specially unusual response to hearing stimulation and are unable to understand others ' speech . It will make the training and the education of the autistic children difficulty .