
  • 网络learn german
  1. 德国推出形象宣传片,鼓励外来移民学习德语。在宣传片中,名人们伸出涂着黄黑红三色德国国旗的舌头。

    An ad campaign was rolled out to encourage immigrants to learn German .

  2. 所以三年前我决定学习德语。

    So I decided about 3 years ago that I would learn German .

  3. 我们在七年级开始学习德语。

    We started German in year seven .

  4. 伦纳德正在学习德语,他出的洋相让她哈哈大笑。

    Leonard was working at his German . His mistakes made her laugh

  5. 他父亲希望他学习德语会话。

    His father wanted him to learn conversational German .

  6. 一些小孩学习德语、俄语、日语和汉语。

    Some children study German , Russian , Japanese and Chinese .

  7. 假如我有更多的时间,我就学习德语了。

    If I had more time , I should study German .

  8. 但愿我将能得到一个学习德语的机会。

    If only I would have a good chance to study German .

  9. 您打算学习德语而且用比较快的速度?

    You want to start learning German and progress fast ?

  10. 现在我在学习德语。

    You see , I am learning to speak German .

  11. 她在学习德语和德国文学。

    She is studying German language and literature .

  12. 他正刻苦学习德语。

    He was fagging away at german .

  13. 要是…多好但愿我将能得到一个学习德语的机会。:怀疑的,可疑的

    if only : If only I would have a good chance to study German .

  14. 约翰对学习德语很。

    John is serious about studying German .

  15. 你知道有机会学习德语或周围柳州我的妻子吗?

    Do you know an opportunity to learn German in or around Liuzhou for my wife ?

  16. 这个软件包包括初级、中级和高级,它是学习德语的最佳方案。

    This package contains levels Beginner , Intermediateand Advanced , and is the perfect solution to learn German .

  17. 我每周去上德语课,还会做一些对我学习德语有帮助的事情。

    I have gone to German classes every week and I do other things to help me learn German .

  18. 我对不同语言和文化的了解是我的一大优势,我还计划学习德语。

    My knowledge of different languages and cultures has been a great advantage , and I plan to learn German as well .

  19. 我学习德语是因为,我妻子西尔维娅出生在奥地利,8岁的时候来到澳大利亚。

    I started to learn German because my wife , Silvia , was born in Austria and came to Australia when she was 8 years old .

  20. 德国各界名人联合推出一项活动,旨在呼吁外来移民多学习德语,促进移民融合。

    Celebrities from Germany 's various classes jointly launched a campaign to urge immigrants to learn German more , which could promote integration of immigrants in Germany .

  21. 宣传口号大致可以翻译成学习德语,融入生活或者大声说德语,融入新生活。然而,吐舌的形象有时被误解了。

    Out with language , in with life or speak out , get into life are the rough translations of the slogan . However , the message sometimes becomes garbled .

  22. 虽然身患残疾,这个小女孩却有着惊人的语言天赋。10岁时就已精通英语、法语、西班牙语以及中文,并且现在正学习德语。

    But despite her disability the little girl has excelled at languages and at the age of 10 she is already fluent in English , French , Spanish and Mandarin - and is learning German .

  23. 英国私立学校理事会主席巴纳比·莱农说,过去,学生们被教导说“学习德语,真的会对你的事业很有帮助”,但是现在情况不再是这样了。

    Barnaby Lenon , chair of the Independent Schools Council ( ISC ) , said that whereas pupils used to be told " It will really help your career if you learn German " this is no longer the case .

  24. 她在剑桥大学学习法语和德语。

    She read French and German at Cambridge University

  25. 继续学习你的德语,否则你的德语不久即会生疏。

    Keep up your German , else it will soon grow rusty .

  26. 不过,我很愿意帮助人对学习英语或德语。

    But I would love to help anyone out with learning English or German .

  27. 现在虽然我已经学习了很多德语的语法和词汇,可是我发现还是难以理解德语口语。

    Now while I have learnt a lot of grammar and vocabulary , I find it difficult to understand spoken German .

  28. 专门根据您的学习目标和德语水平设计的学习计划可以帮助您自学,保持与歌德学院课堂同步。

    The individual learning programme , tailored to your goals and your level , supports your individual studies parallel to the lessons at the institute .

  29. 我要通过多久的学习才能开口讲德语?

    How long do I have to study before I can speak german ?

  30. 学习英羽何德语等兄代语言比学习拉丁语更为有用。

    It 's more useful to learn modern languages , such as English German , than Latin .