
  • 网络Triangulate;triangulation;triangulated;triangularization;Delaunay triangulation
  1. 该算法采用动态分块技术,利用扫描排序后的点集的特点,采用基于凸壳的快速TIN生成算法,可以快速的对地形数据进行三角化。

    The algorithm makes full uses of the scanning sorted data 's features , adopts the dynamic blocked method , and also uses the algorithm of speedily Building TIN Based on Convex Shell , thus can triangulate the terrain data quickly .

  2. 其次,在网格模型顶点删除算法的基础上,提出一种新的三角化所用判据。

    Then this paper presents a new criterion for triangulate process in vertex-removed algorithm .

  3. 基于B样条曲面适应性分割的三角化算法

    A Triangulation Algorithm Based on the Adaptability Division of the B Spline Surface

  4. 基于Terrainmodel的三角化运算法则

    Triangulation Algorithm Based on Terrain Model

  5. E~d带权点集的Regular三角化的构造算法

    Algorithm for Constructing the Regular Triangulation of a Set of Weighted Points in E ~ d

  6. 算法的主要困难之处在于如何将一个图三角化分解并构造一个最小权jointree。

    The main difficulty is to triangulate the network and construct a join tree with minimum weight .

  7. 一种基于CCD光学测量设备的三维点云三角化方法

    A Triangulation Method of 3D Point Clouds Based on CCD Optical Measuring Apparatus

  8. 基于头颅骨的计算机断层(CT)图像,研究了一种对头颅骨表面三角化重建的方法。

    Based on the coronal CT images , a reconstruction method of skull surface triangulation is investigated in this paper .

  9. STL文件是CAD模型表面的三角化表示,无疑会造成精度损失。

    The STL file is a triangularization representation of CAD model surface .

  10. 基于Delaunay三角化的三维散乱点云曲面重塑算法研究

    Research on Delaunay-based Surface Reconstruction Algorithms from 3D Unorganized Point Clouds

  11. Delaunay三角化中特征约束细分嵌入算法

    A Node Refinement Algorithm for Inserting Feature Constraints in Delaunay Triangulation

  12. 研究任意二维平面多连接区域内点生成及AFM三角化算法。

    Algorithms of interior nodal generation and AFM triangulation in 2-DIM multi-connected regions are studied .

  13. CRT屏锥曲面离散化及三角化研究

    Study on CRT Panel Surface Section and Triangularization

  14. 平面域中散乱点的Delaunay三角化算法

    Delaunay Triangulation Algorithm in Dishevelled Points of Planar Domain

  15. 一种基于Delaunay三角化的笔划分割算法

    An Algorithm for pen-stroke extraction Based on Delaunay Triangulation

  16. 约束Delaunay三角化的研究与实现约束数据域的Delaunay三角剖分与修改算法

    Research and Algorithm of Constrained Delaunay Triangulation Delaunay Triangulation of Constrained Data Set

  17. 二维复杂限定Delaunay三角化算法

    The Algorithm of 2D Complex Conforming Delaunay Triangulation

  18. 平面多边形域的快速约束Delaunay三角化

    Fast Constrained Delaunay Triangulation for Planar Polygonal Domains

  19. 充实了三维约束Delaunay三角化的研究基础,为三维Delaunay三角化算法的设计提供了理论依据。

    The result extends theoretical basis for the algorithm of 3D constrained Delaunay triangulation .

  20. 约束Delaunay三角化在路线设计中的应用及其生成算法研究

    Study of the applications of constrained delaunay triangulation in alignment and its creating algorithm

  21. 基于约束Delaunay三角化的二维非结构网格生成方法

    Two-dimensional Unstructured Mesh Generation with Constrained Delaunay Triangulations

  22. 一种TrimmedNURBS曲面的均匀三角化

    A Uniform Triangulation of Trimmed NURBS Surface

  23. 黎曼流形的Delaunay三角化和Voronoi图

    Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagrams for Riemannian manifolds

  24. 二维任意域约束Delaunay三角化的实现

    Constrained Delaunay triangulation of 2D arbitrary domain

  25. 利用ACIS的三角化功能,以圆角刀为例,讨论了干涉量的计算与消除,提出了计算刀具外形相对四周三角片的位置。

    In this thesis , the writer takes advantage of ACIS triangulating fuction and takes rounded corner tool for example to discuss calculation and elimination of interference .

  26. 基于Delaunay三角化的指纹匹配方法

    Fingerprint Matching Based on Delaunay Triangulation

  27. 结合自主版权的超人CAD/CAM系统的开发,本文提出了一种适合于裁剪曲面图形显示的曲面三角化算法。

    Combined with the development of SuperMan CAD / CAM system owned copyright , the paper presents an algorithm of triangulation of trimmed surface for the surface rendering .

  28. 参数trimmed曲面的表达与三角化算法

    Triangulation and rendering of trimmed surface

  29. 针对包括曲线边界和内部带有曲线限定条件的二维Delaunay三角化问题,提出了一种细化算法。

    A new conforming Delaunay triangulation is presented in two-dimensional domains with curved boundaries and inner curve restrictions .

  30. 黎曼流形的Delaunay三角化和Voronoi图Delaunay三角剖分算法优化的实现

    Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagrams for Riemannian manifolds Algorithm Optimization and Implementation of Delaunay Triangulation of Three Dimensional