
  • 网络learning;learning process;Learning Procedure;learningprocess
  1. 本文旨在通过发现并描写中国式英语现象,为教师提供研究学生的学习过程、学习策略和学习步骤等方面的相关资料,从而为帮助学生克服中国式英语倾向,真正掌握规范英语作有益的探索。

    The identification and explanation of Chinglish errors provide information about the learning processes , learning strategies and learning procedures of Chinese students learning English .

  2. 对常见的深度学习模型的理论和学习过程做了简要的介绍。(4)对图像语义分类问题作出了自己的定义。

    A brief introduction for the theory and learning procedures of general deep leaning models are also given . ( 4 ) Definition for image semantic classification issues .

  3. 教给学生一些方法,让他们在整个学习过程中可以反复使用。

    Students are taught a number of skills that can be reapplied throughout their studies .

  4. 的确,这一学习过程是双向的。

    Indeed , that learning process goes both ways .

  5. 然而,持有固定思维模式的学生却关心看起来是否聪明,而不太注重学习过程本身。

    The students who held a fixed mind-set , however , were concerned about looking smart with less regard for learning .

  6. 目前我国的教育体制,分为3年学前教育、6年小学、6年中学、4年大学、4年研究生,这个学习过程有点过于长了。

    The current education system , which comprises three years in preschool , six years in primary school , six years in middle school , four years as an undergraduate and three years of graduate study , is a bit too long .

  7. 在学习过程中,我在REST客户机中添加了以下代码段。

    As part of my learning curve , I added the following code segment to REST client .

  8. 其次,介绍了模糊控制理论和神经控制理论,模糊控制理论主要论述了二维模糊控制器的设计过程以及模糊自适应PID控制器的原理,神经控制理论重点叙述了BP神经算法的学习过程。

    The fuzzy control theory discusses the design process of the fuzzy controller and the principle of fuzzy adaptive PID controller .

  9. C语言是进行计算机程序设计最为常用的一种语言,在C语言程序设计的学习过程中,函数和指针是关键和难点。

    C progamming language is used most commonly in the program design . In the studying of the C programming language , function and pointer are the key and difficult points .

  10. 事实上,Python解释器的最大特点是鼓励探索和简化学习过程。

    In fact , the very nature of the Python interpreter encourages exploration and simplifies the learning process .

  11. 首先建立了基于个体学习过程就是个体在信号的基础上调整预期的过程的结论的基础之上的单Agent的Bayesian意义上的学习模型。

    First , this paper builds a Bayesian-learning model of single Agent on the conclusion that individual learning course is the adjusting course of anticipation on signals .

  12. 在分析BP算法学习过程的基础上,提出使用自适应斜率函数作为神经元的输出函数,以改善BP算法学习过慢的弱点。

    On the basis of analyzing the essential of BP algorithm 's learning process , the self adapting slope function is used as the output function in neuron .

  13. 与传统的BP网络比较,它有三大优点:网络学习过程简单,训练速度快;网络的容错性好,模式分类能力强,收敛性较好;网络结构设计灵活方便。

    Compared with classical BP neural network , there are three advantages . Simply network learning process and quickly training . Excellent fault-tolerant network , outstanding pattern classification ability , good convergence .

  14. Agent在学习过程中对其它Agent的行为进行观察与统计,可学习其它Agent的策略并获知该策略对环境的影响,确定其报酬函数和状态后继函数。

    During the learning process , the agent could learn the other agents ' policy and acquire the environment influence to establish its reward and state subsequence function through the behavior observation and statistic of other agents .

  15. 在RBF神经网络的学习过程中,根据性能函数调节学习率,可以加快学习的收敛过程。

    During the process of learning the RBF neural network , one can accelerate the converging process of learning by regulating the learning speed according to a performance function .

  16. 本文建立了在人工神经网络中实现简单的线性分类功能的、感知机的DNA计算的自装配模型,该模型并行地实现了神经网络的学习过程,充分利用了DNA计算极度并行的特点。

    In this paper , we develop a DNA_based model to realize linear classifying function of perceptron in neural network . This model completes parallel learning courses of neural network and uses the utmost parallel feature of DNA computing adequately .

  17. Oxford(1990)根据语言和学习过程的关系把策略分成了直接策略和间接策略两种;

    Oxford ( 1990 ) believes that there are two kinds of strategies in accordance with the relationship between language and the language learning process : the direct strategies and the indirect strategies .

  18. 借鉴TD(λ)算法中状态的资格迹机制,通过对权值向量定义对应的资格迹来加速神经网络的学习过程。

    In order to enhance the learning speed of neural network , eligibility trace corresponding to connect weights was introduced by the eligibility trace mechanism of state in TD (λ) algorithm .

  19. 高校体育学习过程性评价的探讨

    Discussion on adopting process evaluation in physical learning in colleges

  20. 电脑游戏中的学习过程与学习模式研究

    A Study on the Learning Mechanism in Playing PC Games

  21. 数学认知结构的特征与数学学习过程研究

    Characters of Mathematics Cognition Structure and Researching to Process of Mathematics Study

  22. 教师在学生的学习过程中究竟应该扮演何种角色?

    Teachers should play what role in the learning process ?

  23. 从横向上看,数学概念学习过程具有阶段性与过程性。

    Thinking horizontally , the process reflects stages and process .

  24. 在学习过程中,锻炼思维能力,培养解决问题的能力。

    Toughen thinking ability in the learning process , foster problem-solving ability .

  25. 元动作及其元认知&论动作的学习过程及其同化模式

    Meta-motor and Meta-cognition on assimilate models of motor learning process

  26. 文艺理论及美学研究如何面对现实&简述理论学习过程中的几个问题

    How Literary theory and Aesthetics Research Facing on Realities

  27. 第二章简单地探讨了学习过程记录的设计步骤。

    Chapter two simply talks about the designing procedure of learning process record .

  28. 1以学习过程为设计取向;

    Firstly , design according to the leaning process ;

  29. 实践中对基于管理胜任力获取的学习过程来设计的培训方法存在较大需求。

    Competency-based training practices needed methods to facilitate managerial competency modeling and acquisition .

  30. 而要让学生很好的投入到化学学习过程中,化学教师起着很重要的指引作用。

    Chemical teachers play a very important role in guiding students to study .