
Universities carried out active exploration in the internal management system , division system reform to upsurge .
Subsequently , Beijing Normal University , Zhejiang University , Wuhan University and a number of schools has Faculty reform .
First define the connotation and extension of the concept of disciplinary organization , discipline of organizational change , the Faculty of Education system .
In recent years , some Chinese universities are carrying out the reformation of governance , as an attempt to optimize the university management system .
Division system reform as an important strategic choice in university internal governance structure , involving people , goods and content integration of colleges and universities .
At present , the division system reform at the preliminary exploration stage , facing a lot of challenges in the process of division system reform .
Dynamic strategy adaptation is under the process of the dynamic change , with continuous adjustment to achieve consistent with division system reform goals to the best state .
In the aspect of management span , division system reform led by narrowing the field management span so as to achieve the aim of improve the efficiency of management .
For recent years , some colleges and universities in China one after another have developed the reform of faculty so as to improve their internal managerial system and efficiency of organizations .
In terms of the transaction cost , division system reform through the integration to reduce rent-seeking academic adjustment of contract to reduce the transaction costs , so as to improve the organization efficiency .
Based on the mechanism of research university division system dynamic strategy adaption , using Dalian University of Technology as object of case study , analyzing environment , resource and organization adaptability . Then evaluate its reform efforts .