
  • 网络Degree course
  1. 本课程是电子信息技术研究方向重要的硕士学位课。

    Theory of the Micorwave and High-speed Circuits is one of the important degree courses for graduate student electronic engineering majors .

  2. 研究人员针对几百名大学生,对他们大一和大二的学位课课程考试和预科班入门级课程考试进行了研究,并观察他们随身带入考场的饮品。

    The researchers studied hundreds of university students in their first and second years of degree courses and at pre-degree foundation level and observed what drinks , if any , they brought into exam halls with them .

  3. 本课程是为中药学和生药学专业研究生开设的学位课。

    This course is designed for graduate students in Chinese medicine and Pharmacogosy .

  4. 出于一些显然是不错的理由,我们在高中部实施了“国际学士学位课”。

    We developed the International Baccalaureate Program in the high school for reasons that still * that are obviously good .

  5. 记得在一次二学位的课上,我们的讨论题目是钱是不是最重要的。

    Once in my Business English class , the topic we discussed was Whether money is the most important thing in life .

  6. 当马迪·沙宁在大学攻读艺术与科技学位时,电子课老师布置了一个有趣的作业:为家庭创造点什么。

    When Matty Sallin was working on a degree in arts and technology at university , he got an interesting assignment in electronics class : create something for the household .

  7. 说明:辅修学位要在辅修专业课的基础上增加学位课并完成毕业设计(论文)。

    Note : A group of courses should be added and the graduation design ( paper ) has to be finished on the base of subsidiary curriculums for subsidiary major .

  8. 通过研究生性质的学习可以获得表明最高学术造诣的古老的德国学位--博士学位。随着讨论课制度的建立,研究生们学会了提问、分析以及开展他们自己的研究。

    Graduate training leading to the Ph.D. , an ancient German degree signifying the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment , was introduced.With the establishment of the seminar system , graduate students learned to question , analyze , and conduct their own research .

  9. 《材料加工过程自动控制》是材料科学与工程专业硕士研究生的一门专业基础学位课程,也可以作为机械工程相关专业的非学位选修课。

    " Automatic Control of Materials Processes " is basic course for Master degree students of Materials science and engineering , also is elective course for school of mechanical engineering .