
  • 网络VRX;student reporter
  1. 《学记》喻教育思想的现代启示

    The Modern Illumination of Educational Idea about Yu in Xue Ji

  2. 《学记》对学生主体性地位论述的启示

    The Enlightenment of Dissertation about Student 's Status in Xue Ji

  3. 《学记》的教育教学原则及其现实意义

    On current significance of educational and padagogical principles in Record About Learning

  4. 他的答案是学记。今年完全放弃童军?

    His answer is cadet reporter and this year totally give up scout ?

  5. 《学记》之论教师及其现实意义

    On " Learning Record " and Its Real Meaning

  6. 《学记》中的教育规划思想探析

    On the educational programming ideas presented in On Learning

  7. 我们不会让你学记由一组组毫无联系的词汇组成的词汇表。

    We have not given you mere lists of unrelated words to learn .

  8. 关于《学记》与《雄辩术原理》教学思想的比较研究

    A summary of the comparative study of the teaching ideology in on Learning & the Rhetoric Principles

  9. 《学记》是我国教育史上的第一部较系统严谨的专门论述教育教学的理论著作。

    The Note of Learning was the first theoretical works to discuss systematically and carefully about the teaching of education .

  10. 《学记》是我国最早的一部教育专著,它丰富的教育思想对后代产生了巨大影响。

    Xue Ji is a education monograph initially of our country , its abundant education thought exerted an enormous influence on the offspring .

  11. 《学记》作为中国教育学的源头,既具有内容之实,又具有学理之实,对构建更加具有中国特色、中国风格和中国气派的中国教育学,具有重要的指导意义。

    Xue Ji , as the headstream of Chinese pedagogy with substance in content and theory , is of great guiding significance for the construction of Chinese pedagogy of Chinese characteristics , style and manner .

  12. 《学记》的重要贡献之一是揭示了为师之道、为良师之道,对于教师专业素养的形成、发展和提高,有着十分重要的指导意义。

    One of the important contributions of the book is to reveal the way of being a teacher and the way of being a good teacher , bearing the great instructive significance in forming , developing and improving the teachers ' professional quality .

  13. 《学记》作为中国教育史上的一朵奇葩,其中蕴含着惠及千年后代的教育思想,随着基础教育改革的迅速推进,语文学科中各种教学要素的均衡与和谐受到了广泛的关注。

    " XueJi " as a wonderful work in the history of Chinese education , contains the ideological education which benefits the offspring . With the rapidly advancement of the reform of basic education , the harmonious elements of Chinese teaching disciplines have got much attention .

  14. 她从什么时候起学薄记的?

    Since when have she is learning bookkeeping ?

  15. 从科技论文引文数据看三省农科院学科发展记风学,记风法记录风速数据的科学

    Subject Development of Three Northeast Provincial Academies of Agricultural Sciences from the Citation Data of Scientific Papers

  16. 由于缺乏对汉语字词规律性的认识,导致学生困惑于汉语字词难学难记,学习效率不高。

    As lack recognization of Chinese characters and words regularity , lead to students puzzled in learning Chinese and low study efficiency .

  17. 再则在教学过程中,教师应充分利用教材,创设与利用语境,让学生在语境下,学单词、记单词、用单词。

    In the teaching process , teachers should make full use of materials , create context for students to learn words .

  18. 善学语言者有记笔记和将所学语言归类的习惯,他们学习时还经常运用归纳式学习方法。

    Good language learners make notes and categorise language . They also use inductive extensively .

  19. 我把我学的新词全都记在一个笔记本上了。

    I have jotted down all the new words I have learned in a notebook .

  20. 要学着记帐,记清楚买了东西,花了多少钱。

    Learn to keep a diary of how much you spend and what it 's for .

  21. 规划百年大事,就要培养人才。在中国第一部教育学专著《学记》中也提出了“教学为先”的思想,认为国家的首要任务就是教育。

    And in China 's first monograph on education-Record of Learning-an idea of " education first " was proposed , which holds that the prime task of a state is education .

  22. 我相信他不会把这周学到的东西记到下一周。不过,他舒适地吸着烟斗,看上去倒挺自信,

    I don 't think he ever remembered anything from one week to the next , but he smoked his pipe comfortably , looking as intelli - gent as he could .