
xué nián zhì
  • scholastic year system
  1. 高校学分制与学年制课程体系的比较研究

    The comparison of college credit system and the system course system of school year

  2. 目前,国内既能真正完全适应学分制需要,又能照顾目前还存在学年制的现实,科学合理地处理各种异动情况的教材管理软件还很少。

    At present , there is few software available for handling reasonably changes of management circumstance .

  3. 第四,改革中等职业学校固定学年制的传统管理体制,实行弹性学习制度,以满足人们多样化的职业教育需求。

    Lastly , to change the fix semester system , using elastic system to satisfy different vocational requirements .

  4. 第二部分,对学分、学分制、学年制、学年学分制等几个概念进行界定。

    The second part clarifies several conceptions , such as credit , the credit system , the academic year .

  5. 一定的课程体系需要与一定的管理体制相适应,学年制管理过死,不适应新的课程体系。

    Specific administrative system is needed for new curriculum system to which academic year system is too inflexible to adapt .

  6. 学年制向学分制过渡时期选课制教务管理工作的变化

    Changes in educational administration work during implementation of elective system as the academic year system being shifted to credit system

  7. 学分制管理模式与传统的学年制管理模式相比有诸多优势,能有效地保证学生学习的主体地位。

    The credit system has many advantages in comparision with traditional school-year system , such as ensuring students subjects effectively .

  8. 这一特点意味着在学年制下开发的数据库系统经过适当的扩充后可延续到学分制。

    That shows the database system based on the school year system continue for the credit system after the suitable expansion .

  9. 成人高校教学管理由学年制向学分制的转化,是一项新的探索。

    The transformation of the adult higher educational management mode , from term system to credit system , is a new probe .

  10. 教学时间有限性与教学内容无限性是高等学校教学工作中的一对十分棘手的矛盾,在学年制背景下,这个问题一直困扰着高等学校教学管理部门。

    Finite teaching time and infinite teaching contents conflict each other in university teaching , which often bothers university teaching management departments .

  11. 随着高校教学改革的深入,教学管理的模式从原来的学年制向学分制过渡。

    With the development of the reformation of college teaching , the pattern of educational management has transformed from academic year to credit .

  12. 本章主要以高等教育为背景,通过介绍学年制和学分制的历史沿革与发展进程,进行比较分析,总结出两种教学管理制度各自的积极性和局限性。

    This chapter analyses the history and the development of the two systems , compares the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems .

  13. 学年制、学年学分制和学分制与研究生教育弹性学制比较研究

    Comparative Study of the Schoolyear Systerm , the Schoolyear and Credit System , the Credit System and the Elastic System of Graduate Students Education

  14. 面向自主学习模式的管理功能,使系统在兼顾学年制管理的同时,突出学分制管理的特征;

    The administrative function geared to the needs of autonomous studying mode makes the system give consideration to both academic and credit system administration .

  15. 作为两种不同的教学管理制度,学分制比学年制更符合我国现代高校发展的要求。

    As two different educational administration systems , credit system meets the need of development of modern universities in our country better than grade system .

  16. 以学分制代替学年制已成为当前我国高等学校教学改革的一种趋势。

    It has become a tendency to replace the academic school years by the academic credits in the educational reforms in Chinese higher learning institutions .

  17. 高等教育的发展正处在三大转变时期,学年制管理向学分制管理转变在三大转变中处于较重要的地位。

    Higher education has rapidly developed into an important period of changes , among which the change from academic year system to credit system comes first .

  18. 针对教育改革的形势,分析了学年制与学分制的各自特性、优缺点。

    Being up against the situation of education reformation , it analyses the characteristics , advantages and disadvantages of the credit system and the academic year system .

  19. 我国现行的学分制带有浓厚的学年制色彩,教学管理本位,导致学生成为学习的“机器”。

    The present credit system is heavily tinged with the academic year system with rigid management , and makes the students like a " studying machine " .

  20. 因此如何改革旧有的学年制教学管理模式,实施学分制的弹性教学管理制度,是高职院教学研究人员面临的课题。

    Thus , to reform the former academic year system and carry out the flexible credit system is the very task to the staff of higher vocational colleges .

  21. 弹性学制是一种比学年制更为灵活,更体现以人为本,更有利于因材施教的教学管理制度。

    Flexible school system is more flexible than the system of academic year and more beneficial to the teaching administration system of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude .

  22. 培养创新型人才,要有创新型教师;要培养学生的创新思维;要改革当前的学年制的教育体制。

    Fostering new type of person with ability may have new type teacher , fostering regenerating thinking must renew the system of credit hour which in the present educational system .

  23. 教学管理制度在教育教学工作中起着一定的主导作用,传统的学年制管理模式在一定程度上制约了人才的培养和教育改革的深入进行。

    To some extent , educational system plays a leading role in teaching , but the traditional academic year system has restricted the talents cultivating and the deepening of educational reform .

  24. 随着当前招生规模不断扩大和学分制改革不断深入,传统学年制下以班级为核心的排课方法已经难以继续。

    Along with large-scale recruit students and Reform on the credit system in advanced colleges , the traditional courses arrangement way based on class in the academic year system has fallen into disuse .

  25. 高校教育教学从学年制改为学分制,无疑会对高校各项管理工作产生明显的影响,对作为高校教育教学保障系统的图书馆影响尤为突出。

    That the higher education changes from school year system to credit system will undoubtedly produce a great impact to every school administration , especially to library acting as guarantee system of higher education .

  26. 作为培养人才的高校需要从过去的学年制管理模式转变成学分制的管理模式,因此一个有效的选课系统是必需的。

    As a cradle of training the talents , University needs to change management model from the past academic year system to the credit system , so that an effective course selection system is required .

  27. 目前,大多数的高校都有自己研发或者通过企业定制的教务管理系统,但是大多是基于学年制的教育教学模式。

    At present , the majority of colleges and universities have their own research and development or a customized educational management system through the enterprise , but most of the teaching model is based on academic year system .

  28. 与传统的学年制相比,学分制具有学习时限的灵活性、学习内容的选择性、培养过程的针对性、学习过程的主体性等基本特征。

    Compares with the traditional school year system , the credit system has the study time limit flexibility , the study content selectivity , the raise process pointed , the learning process independent and so on essential feature .

  29. 与学年制不同,学分制无论在教学管理、学生管理、选课系统、学制安排等方面体现了它的优越性。

    Compared with the traditional academic year system , the credit system has proved to be advantageous in several aspects , such as teaching administration , management of students , course selection system , elastic length of schooling , etc.

  30. 学分制与学年制相比较而言,有其诸多的优越性,如自主选修、强调个性发展、严格结果管理、学制灵活、培养计划开放等。

    Compared with the academic year system , the credit system has many advantages such as independent course selection , emphasis on personality development , strictness with result management , flexibility in educational system , and openness in cultivation planning .