
xué tú
  • apprentice;trainee
学徒 [xué tú]
  • [apprentice;trainee] 从师受业的人

学徒[xué tú]
  1. 我从学徒开始干起,逐步上升。

    I started off as an apprentice and worked my way up

  2. 她学徒还不满一年。

    It 's not quite a year since she became an apprentice .

  3. 她当木工学徒已是第二年了。

    She was in the second year of her apprenticeship as a carpenter .

  4. 他当过管子工学徒。

    He had served his apprenticeship as a plumber .

  5. 他做了一年的学徒。

    He served a one-year apprenticeship .

  6. 14岁时,我拜一个建筑工人为师当学徒。

    I was apprenticed to a builder when I was fourteen .

  7. 他15岁辍学,当上木工学徒。

    He left school at 15 and trained as an apprentice carpenter .

  8. 其中一名学徒对着一名路过的警官说了一句侮辱他的话。

    One of the apprentices made an insulting remark to a passing officer .

  9. 结束了工具匠的学徒期以后,他当上了经理。

    After serving his apprenticeship as a toolmaker , he became a manager .

  10. 他最初订约给一位律师当学徒。

    He was initially articled to a solicitor .

  11. 我的儿子在一家家具厂里当学徒工。

    My son is an apprentice in a furniture maker 's workshop .

  12. 他们将培养那个学徒开车床。

    They are going to break in the apprentice as a lathe operator .

  13. 公司收了四个新学徒。

    The company is taking on four new apprentices .

  14. 过去,人们经常让有出息的男孩子从师学徒好多年。

    It used to be usual to bind out promising boys for many years .

  15. 学徒两年满师。

    The apprenticeship lasts two years .

  16. 旧时当学徒,挨打受骂是家常便饭。

    In the old times it was routine for an apprentice to be cursed and beaten .

  17. 到了15岁时,他已经成为西尔万·贝利的学徒了。西尔万·贝利是巴黎最时尚的街区之一的一家很成功的面包店的著名甜点师。

    By age 15 , he had become an apprentice to Sylvain Bailly , a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris 's most fashionable neighborhoods .

  18. 一群学徒正在开动水压机。

    A group of apprentics were operating the hydraulic press .

  19. 岁时,我拜一个建筑工人为师当学徒。

    I was apprenticed to a builder when I was fourteen . 14

  20. 他跟鲍勃当学徒。

    He served his apprenticeship with Bob .

  21. 卢修斯成了石匠的学徒。

    Lucius got apprenticed to a stonemason .

  22. 我知道这一点,是因为我花了许多时间观看电视真人秀节目,比如《学徒》(TheApprentice)和《全美超级模特儿新秀大赛》(America'sNextTopModel)。

    I know this because I have spent many hours watching reality TV shows such as The Apprentice and America 's Next Top Model .

  23. AustralianGold上月赞助了一期《名人学徒》,在节目中,诸位名流基于黄金生活的概念,为该品牌防晒霜设计了一次推广活动。

    Australian Gold sponsored an episode of the show last month in which celebrities developed a campaign for the sunscreen based on the gold life concept .

  24. 给自己的离开做个B计划,如果没有其他好的路走也需要得到父母的支持&也许是去当个学徒,找个工作又或是出去旅行?

    Try to have a Plan B for when you leave , if for no other reason than to get your parents off your back perhaps you could start an apprenticeship , get a job , or go travelling ?

  25. “学徒”与NBC“西翼”捆绑在一起,打造成为最佳电视节目。

    " The Apprentice " is tied with NBC 's " The West Wing " as primetime 's most upscale program .

  26. 自2008年以来,特朗普曾主持过《名人学徒》及其前身《学徒》(TheApprentice),但他决定竞选总统时,放弃了那个角色。

    Mr Trump had hosted the show and its predecessor , The Apprentice , since 2008 , but relinquished that position when he decided to run for the White House .

  27. 说到底,当然眼下也有一些值得担心的事【如债务限额、欧洲的债务违约,另外新一季的真人秀《学徒》(TheApprentice)也上映了】,但你仍不妨对股市保持一些信心。

    The bottom line : sure there are things to worry about ( the debt ceiling , defaults in Europe , another season of the apprentice ) , but keep some perspective .

  28. 在幽灵威胁之前,魁刚的生活在DaveWolver所著的《绝地学徒》系列中有详细的描述。

    Qui-Gon 's life prior to The Phantom Menace is mainly detailed in the Jedi Apprentice series , written by Dave Wolverton and Jude Watson .

  29. 根据控制工程课程的教学内容与特点,提出了一种MCAI新模式,它结合了认知学徒、计算机支持课堂教学、操作和练习三种传统模式的特点;

    According to the teaching content and characteristics of Control Engineering Course , puts forward a new pattern of MCAI , which combines three kinds of conventional pattern : cognitive apprentice , computer-supported teaching , drill and practice ;

  30. 对于他的支持者,特朗普最为人所知的是他主持的电视节目《学徒》(TheApprentice)。在节目中,他要考察大约16名商业参赛者,最后挑出一人获得25万美元奖金。

    Among the latter , Mr Trump is best known for his hosting of The Apprentice , a television show in which he judged a group of about 16 business contestants who are competing for a $ 250000 prize .