
  • 网络school characteristic;the characteristic of school
  1. 校本课程中的学校特色的研究

    A Study on the Characteristic of School in School-Based Curriculum

  2. 运用蓝海策略,发展学校特色;

    Utilizes the blue ocean strategy , develops the school characteristic ;

  3. 新时期高职院校办学,都在重视学校特色。

    At present higher vocational colleges all focus on their characteristics .

  4. 校园文化建设要突出学校特色;

    Emphasize features of the schools in campus culture construction ;

  5. 结合学校特色加强信息安全专业建设的几点体会

    Construction of Information Security Specialty on the basis of Features of University

  6. 到底如何建设学校特色呢?

    How on earth to establish the distinguishing feature of the school ?

  7. 我国地方高等学校特色项目建设研究

    Research on Constructing Characteristics Items of Local Colleges and Universities

  8. 论中小学学校特色的创建

    Comments on the Building of the Characteristics of Secondary and Primary School

  9. 学校特色和校本发展策略

    The Characteristics of a School and the Strategy for the School-Based Development

  10. 开发校本课程创建学校特色

    Develop a Course of School and Establish the Characteristic

  11. 实验性示范性学校特色的形成策略

    Strategies of Experimental & demonstrational School 's Characteristic Formation

  12. 加强高等学校特色学科建设的战略研究

    Strategy Research of Strengthening University 's Characteristic Discipline Construction

  13. 谈学校特色的创建

    The special features that talks the school establish

  14. 从理论层面阐述了为什么要创建学校特色,并对学校特色的内涵、特征及其主要类型加以了论证。

    The intension , characteristics and types of which are demonstrated in it as well .

  15. 加快田径教材的更新,并积极编写具有学校特色的自编教材。

    And accelerate the athletics teaching , and actively writing has updated characteristic of school books .

  16. 系统设计中以既兼顾小学系统的通用性,又突出学校特色为原则。

    Design to balance both universal primary school system , and highlight the school characteristics as the principle .

  17. 学校特色建设是实现学校独特的整体风格和出众的办学成果的过程。

    School characteristics construction is the course of realizing schools ' unique overall style and outstanding school running achievements .

  18. 校本课程是实施校本管理基础,开发校本课程,创建学校特色,实施校本管理是学校管理必然选择。

    So it is the inevitable choice to develop school-based curriculum which is the base in the practice of school-based management .

  19. 普通地方高校的办学定位与办学特色我国地方高等学校特色项目建设研究

    School-running Orientation and Features of Ordinary Local Higher Learning Institutions ; Research on Constructing Characteristics Items of Local Colleges and Universities

  20. 和而不同的哲学思想与高等学校特色建设

    The Philosophical Thinking of " to Be Harmony but to Be Varied " and the Building of Universities and Colleges ' Characteristics

  21. 在办学过程中逐步形成学校特色,已成为每一所学校的办学追求。

    It has been long-pursued for every school to build their own characteristics step by step in the process of school management .

  22. 学校特色是国内外教育实践和教育理论研究中普遍关注的一个问题。

    The special characteristics of the school are the heart of the matter of Education Practice home and abroad and Education Theory Research .

  23. 最后,提出了目前学校特色创建研究和实践中两个特别需要关注的策略。

    Finally , it proposes the two strategies to which special attention should be paid in the research and practice in this field .

  24. 校本培训是学校特色形成的有效途径,更是促进教师专业发展的重要措施。

    It is not only an effective way to form school 's characteristics but also an important measure to promote teachers ' professional development .

  25. 三是在学校特色的成熟稳定阶段,需要遵从稳定性原则、组织性原则、辐射性原则。

    Thirdly , In the school characteristic mature and stable stage , need to follow stability principle , organization principle , the radioactive principles .

  26. 校长个性与学校特色的相关性是校长(学)研究的课题之一。

    The research on the relationship between the headmaster 's character and features of a school is one of the components of headmaster study .

  27. 高校校园文化建设应充分体现社会主义特点、时代特征和学校特色。

    The campus cultural construction in universities and colleges in China ought to fully embody the positive features of socialism , this era and campuses .

  28. 所以,从某种意义上讲,数字化校园就是一张展示学校特色的网络名片,一部宣传校园文化的影片。

    So , in a sense , digital campus is a showcase network of school characteristics , business cards , a promotional video of campus culture .

  29. 通过建设学校特色主题文化,可以陶冶学生的情操,促进学生综合素质的提高。

    By building a culture of schools featured topics , you can extend the students ' horizons , promote the improvement of comprehensive quality of students .

  30. 大学校训以优美的语言文字和深刻的文化内涵,简洁形象的表达出该校的指导思想、教育目标、学校特色和精神风貌。

    It is the embodiment of guiding ideology , educational aim , the characteristic and spiritual condition of university with graceful language and profound cultural meaning ;