
  1. 双向凝胶电泳技术是目前用于蛋白质组研究的经典方法,随着近年来质谱分析技术的广泛应用于生物大分子的研究,蛋白质组学正成为国内、外学者研究的热点。

    Two-dimensional electrophoresis technology is the classical method to study proteomics at present .

  2. 阿佩尔的先验语用学正成为当代知识论的一种新范式。

    Apel 's transcendental pragmatics is becoming a new paradigm of contemporary theory of knowledge .

  3. 语用学正是研究人们在特定的环境下如何有效地进行语言交际。

    Pragmatics just researches that how human communication with language takes place effectively in specific context .

  4. 事实上,产业组织学正是进行产业研究的一个强有力的理论工具。

    In fact , the theory of industrial organization is a powerful tool for industry research .

  5. 当前,文艺学正面临这日益紧迫的学科反思与学科重建的严峻问题。

    Currently , literature is facing increasingly urgent problems that we must reflect and reconstruct the subject .

  6. 文明学正是全球化时代人类把握文明命运的学理呼唤。

    It is the call of mankind to grasp the destiny of civilization in the age of globalization .

  7. 阐述了矿床学正面临着为社会提供充足的能源和资源的严重挑战。

    Ore mineralogy is facing a crucial challenge of providing substantial energy and mineral resources to the society .

  8. 中医学正处于行将消亡的边缘,也处在新的突破的前夜。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine is on the verge of extinction as well as in the eve of breakthrough .

  9. 结构主义叙述学正是从叙事这一小说文体分析的核心范畴出发,来更有效的切入小说本文的。

    Structuralism narratology analyzes the text from narration that is the central scope of the analysis of the fictional style .

  10. 汉代文献学正是在这种特定的政治环境中形成以经学为中心的特点,其影响远至以后漫长的封建社会。

    Philology in Han Dynasty took Confucian Classics as the central characteristic under the special political environment , which influenced later feudal society profoundly .

  11. 在基因组时代,随着大量模式生物完整基因组序列的获得,分子系统学正面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    In the genomic era , the availability of many model organisms ' complete genome sequences made molecular phylogenetics facing unprecedented opportunity and challenge .

  12. 但随着现代医学的发展,传统的中医外科学正面临着严峻的挑战,并日益显出其不足。

    With the fast development of modern medicine , Chinese traditional surgery is faced with serious challenges and its shortcomings have appeared more and more evident .

  13. 传统训诂学正是在这样的轨迹中,循序渐进,以至成为专门而成熟的学科。

    That 's the way of the evolution of exegesis , the traditional exegesis has been developing and evolving gradually and eventually becomes a professional and mature subject .

  14. 女性主义叙事学正是两者结合的产物,它以重新划分的叙事声音为切入点,结合了经典叙事学的叙事声音理论与现代女性主义历史角度的声音理论。

    Feminist narratology is just the combination . It takes re-catalogued narrative voice as entry point , integrating the theories from the voice of theory in feminist literature criticism and narrative voice theory in classic narratology .

  15. 随着医学模式的转变,现代护理学正由以疾病为中心的传统观念向以病人为中心的整体观念转变。

    According to the transition of medicine mode , the modern nursing is translating from the traditional concept of regarding the disease as a center to the holism concept of regarding the patient as a center .

  16. 知觉现象学正是这样一门试图去除任何现有的成见以获得真实的感知和真正的意义为目的的更为贴近真实、从建筑自身和使用者出发的设计策略。

    Phenomenology Of Perception is such an design strategy which wipes out existing prejudice to get close to the essence of architecture & the real sense comes from users and the meaning comes from building itself .

  17. 中小学正是学习英语语音的关键时期,失去英语语音学习兴趣势必严重影响他们今后英语的发展。

    The study in the primary-school and middle-school are the most important basement for the students in forming their correct English pronunciation . By losing the interest in learning , their further English development will be greatly influenced .

  18. 中医学正是采用动态、全面、联系的观点来认识健康与疾病本质的,其总结概括了我国中医医疗实践的经验和规律,完全具备系统的特点。

    TCM understand the nature of health and disease with the dynamic , comprehensive and contact views , which summed up the experience of clinical practice and theory , and it is fully equipped with characteristics of the system .

  19. 思维迁移是学生把学到的知识应用到新的学习或生活实际中的重要环节,为迁移而教、为迁移而学正是思维迁移的真正体现。

    Migration is thought students to acquire knowledge to a new study or practice , an important part of life , " Teaching for Transfer ," and " Migration and the study " Migration is a genuine expression of thought .

  20. 以解释现实金融市场种种异象为目的的行为金融学正逐渐兴起,随着投资者异质信念模型的引入,行为资产定价理论成功地阐述了大量经典资产定价理论所无法解释的市场异象。

    Behavioral finance which aims at explaining the various anomalies in the modern financial market is on the rise . With the introduction of heterogeneous beliefs model , behavioral asset pricing theory has successfully described a large number of the market anomalies which traditional asset pricing theory cannot explain .

  21. 姑娘们学的正是怎样照看新生儿。

    The girls learn exactly what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby .

  22. 基于INTERNET的口腔正畸学、正颌外科学远程会诊系统的应用研究

    Application and Study of a Teleconsultation System Based on Internet Using for Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery

  23. 文艺学研究正面临着文化研究发起的诸多挑战。

    The literary research work is facing many challenges of cultural development .

  24. 基于电子动量谱学的正戊烷分子构象研究

    Study on Conformation of N-pentane Molecule base on EMS

  25. 现代的比较社会学,正是在社会学与人类学的互动下而得以发展起来的;

    Modern comparative sociology has just achieved progress in the interactions between sociology and anthropology ;

  26. 提高脑胶质瘤治疗效果是目前神经外科学界正着力解决的问题。

    Improving the therapeutic effect of glioma is considered to be the focus of current neurosurgery .

  27. 摘要当前我国教育学界正进行着一场崭新的思维方式讨论:本质主义与反本质主义论争。

    In present educational academic circles in china , a new debate between essence and anti-essence doctrines is undergoing .

  28. 静电学目前正被应用于矿物分离喷漆和干法涂料。

    Electrostatics is currently being used for separation of minerals , for paint spraying , and for dry coating applications .

  29. X线颅颌面影像分析是口腔正畸学、正颌外科学等学科对牙颌、颅面畸形进行科学研究和临床诊断、治疗的基本手段。

    Cephalometric analysis is a basic method in the study and the clinical diagnosis and treatment of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics .

  30. 但是,随着新的测序技术的到来,基因组学研究正处在第二次革命的开始。

    However , with the advent of new sequencing technologies , genomics research is now at the threshold of a second revolution .