
xué qián bān
  • Preschool;kindergarten;preschool class
  1. 农村学前教育经历类型有家庭养育、幼儿园、学前班和一年级混读班,其中学前班人数最多。

    The types of early childhood care in rural areas include family care , kindergarten , preschool class , and primary-preschool class , among which most children attend preschool class .

  2. 北佛罗里达大学(UniversityofNorthFlorida)心理学教授丽贝卡·A·马尔孔(RebeccaA.Marcon)对343名参加学前教育的儿童进行了研究,其中有的学前班“以学业为导向”,有的鼓励“儿童自发”学习,或者介于两者之间。

    Rebecca A. Marcon , a psychology professor at the University of North Florida , studied 343 children who had attended a preschool class that was " academically oriented , " one that encouraged " child initiated " learning , or one in between .

  3. 孩子们先上幼儿园,然后上学前班,再接着上小学。

    Children graduate to the kindergarten , then pre-school , and then school .

  4. 钱应该花在为不能享有学前班和幼儿学校教育的儿童设置的补偿教育项目上。

    Money should be spent on compensatory programmes for deprived pre-school and infant-school children .

  5. 多数富有家庭会让孩子们上学前班或日托班,但低收入家庭更可能依赖家人照顾孩子。

    Most affluent parents enroll their children in preschool or day care , while low-income parents are more likely to depend on family members .

  6. 社会科学工作者声称,差异存在的部分原因是,低收入家庭可以花在音乐课或学前班上的资金较少,日上的灵活性也较差,所以陪同孩子去博物馆或参加校园活动的机会也少。

    Social scientists say the differences arise in part because low-income parents have less money to spend on music class or preschool , and less flexible schedules to take children to museums or attend school events .

  7. Penny半年的学前班费用!

    Six months of pre-school for Penny .

  8. 鲍比住在尼维斯附近,今年秋天开始上学前班。

    Bobby , of nearby Nevis , starts preschool this fall .

  9. 总共有200名学前班教师介入了此次调研。

    A total of200 preschool teachers participated in this investigation .

  10. 学前班的规则同样适用于大学。

    The same rules apply in college as they did in preschool .

  11. 我从学前班开始就落下作业。

    And I 've been behind on homework since preschool .

  12. 在纽约诺斯波特的学前班,我迅速超过了所有人。

    At pre-school in Northport , New York , I quickly overtook everyone .

  13. 如有变动,每月学前班家长会收到一份更新后的大纲。

    Each month kindergarten parents will receive an updated monthly plan outlining any changes .

  14. 我们知道学前班对小孩子很重要。

    We know it 's important for kids .

  15. 我为学前班的孩子设计阅读课程

    I design reading programs for preschoolers .

  16. 在过去的三年里,我和妻子经营了一个学前班学校。

    For the last three years , I 've run a preschool with my wife .

  17. 这里看到的是我在学前班为您做的苹果。

    This apple that you see here was made for you in my kindergarten year .

  18. 从6岁起儿童必须接受学校教育,但很多孩子在4岁起就开始上学前班。

    Children must start school by age six , but many go to preschool at age four .

  19. 在三到五岁之间小孩子们可以上学前班或幼稚园来为上小学做预备。

    Children can prepare for this step by attending preschool and kindergarten from ages three to five .

  20. 询问一下孩子们学前班的老师,听听他们对于战争游戏和武器玩具的观点。

    Ask the teachers of your child 's preschoolabout their policy on war play and toy weapons .

  21. 当孩子上学前班,他们将先在家建构这些技能。

    When children go to pre-school , they will build upon the skills first learned at home .

  22. 向你的孩子所在的学前班的教师们就对待战争片和玩具武器的办法征询一下意见。

    Ask the teachers of your child 's preschool about their policy on war play and toy weapons .

  23. 美国各地从学前班到中学12年级的学生正在收听收看。

    And we 've got students tuning in from all across America , from kindergarten through 12th grade .

  24. 当开始上学前班(或幼儿园),儿童的社会圈子变得更大了,也更多地介入周围世界。

    When children attend preschool , they broaden their social horizons and become more engaged with those around them .

  25. 这些观察早在孩子们学前班和一年级的时候就进行了。

    Observations were made of the children at the beginning and at the end of preschool and first grade .

  26. 克莱在女儿的学前班遇到的大多数家长都是妈妈们,因此在开始的时候,他感到有点孤单。

    Early on , he felt isolated as most of the other parents he would meet in preschool were women .

  27. 私立幼儿园和学前班也层出不穷,其中很多还提供“国际化”教育,设施也更加完善。

    And private kindergartens and pre-schools have multiplied quickly , with many offering " international " curricula and better facilities .

  28. 所以我们看到参加周末学前班的家庭是困难的环境的家庭。

    So we see that the families of the children who visit a weekly preschool group live in harder conditions .

  29. 在此之前,她负责学前班、小学一年级和三年级的教学工作以及课外拓展项目。

    In other years , Mendel taught Preschool , 1st grade , and3rd grade and directed the Extended Day Program .

  30. 我得学会他在华德福学前班和幼儿园的老师们所知道的,运动与脑部发育的关系。

    I had to know what his Waldorf preschool and kindergarten teachers knew about the relationship of movement to brain development .