
  • 网络Ningqiang;ningqiang county
  1. 宁强县结核病控制项目实施效果分析

    Analysis of the Implementation Effect of TB Control Project in Ningqiang County

  2. 宁强县地震救灾指挥部提醒居民不要住在室内。

    The Ningqiang County quake relief headquarters advised residents not to live indoors .

  3. 在此基础上,将宁强县地质灾害的易发性划分为3个分区,分别为:高易发区、中易发区和低易发区。

    On this basis , divided landslide susceptibility of Ningqiang County into three zones : high susceptibility zones , middle susceptibility zones and low susceptibility zones .

  4. 灾害影响得分为2.118分,由于宁强县为自然灾害多发的地区,所以灾害因子在旅游资源开发中必须加以重视。

    The evaluation value is 2.118 . Ningqiang County is a natural disaster prone area , so the factor effect on tourism exploitation deserves paying much attention .

  5. 负责规划、实施和管理妇源汇在农村地区的社区发展项目的运作,特别是宁强县与剑阁县灾后重建项目;

    Plans , Implements and manages operations of GDS'community development programs in the rural region , especially in Disaster Relief Program in Ningqiang county and Jiange county .

  6. 陕西省宁强县是独具特色的生态资源和环境优势的县区,具有实施生态立县战略,走生态文明之路的独特条件。

    Ningqiang County in Shaanxi Province is a unique ecological resources and environmental advantages of the county , with the implementation of the " ecological county " strategy , taking the road of civilization and the unique ecological conditions .

  7. 取得了以下主要成果:1.定量的探索和揭示了区域地质灾害某些特征:①宁强县地质灾害以滑坡为主,崩塌、泥石流次之。

    Made the following main conclusions : 1 . Some features of the regional geological disasters were explored and revealed quantitatively as below : ① The main type of geo-hazard is landslide in Ningqiang county and the second is landfalls and debris flow .