
  • 网络Ninghua County
  1. 基于GIS和ANN的宁化县生态经济类型研究

    Study of Eco-economic Type Based on GIS and ANN in Ninghua County

  2. 其次,选择福建省宁化县为研究对象,根据生态经济理论建立生态经济类型研究的指标体系,并运用GIS技术对相关数据进行提取。

    Secondly , Take Ninghua County as an example , and set up a target system on the basis of eco-economic theories , and extract data by GIS .

  3. 宁化县1973&1987年常见肿瘤流行时间变化趋势及癌谱分析

    Analysis on Cancer Tree and Changing Tendency of Epidemic Time of Common Tumours at Ninghua County in 1973 ~ 1987

  4. 因此如何改善宁化县农村教师的生存状态,促进农村教师健康成长,这是基础教育面临的一个迫在眉睫的问题。

    Therefore , the imminent problem of the elementary education is how to improve the rural school-teachers living state and promote their healthy growth in this county .

  5. 介绍福建宁化县治平畲族乡畲族同胞常用的几种治疗肝炎的中草药,以便有关人员进一步研究。

    A few Chinese herbs used in the treatment of hepatitis in common in Zhiping county by She nationality people are introduced briefly in this paper , the results provide basis for further research .