
  • 网络Yuexi;yuexi county
  1. 研究岳西县不同海拔高度山区土壤养分含量及气候特点,结果表明,山区土壤有机质含量较低,土壤含N、速效磷和速效性钾含量普遍极低。

    The nutrient contents of mountain soils and climate characteristic at the different height in Yuexi county were studied . It was observed that the mountain soils were seriously deficient in organic matter , nitrogen and readily available phosphorus and potassium .

  2. 岳西县国家级生态示范区建设若干问题研究

    Several questions on building national ecological model region of Yuexi County

  3. 岳西县高山蔬菜生产布局的研究

    Study on Production Layout of Mountain Vegetables in Yuexi County

  4. 安徽省岳西县区域匹配开发综合评价

    The comprehensive evaluation on the commensurate development in Yuexi County

  5. 岳西县农村中学生跨文化交际现状与分析

    The Status Quo of Yuexi Middle Shool Students ' Intercultural Communication and Its Analysis

  6. 岳西县石关混合岩属于原北大别变质杂岩的一部分。

    Shiguan migmatite of Yuexi County , belong to the part of former North Dabie Complex .

  7. 利用马氏过程模拟和预测土壤侵蚀的动态演变&以安徽省岳西县为例

    Simulation and Forecast of Soil Erosion Development with Markov Process ── A Case Study in Yuexi , Anhui Province

  8. 生态示范区可持续发展指标体系和数学模型&以安徽省岳西县国家级生态示范区为例

    A preliminary research on development sustainability of ecological demonstration area & a case study on Yuexi county , Anhui Province

  9. 基于生态足迹分析的山区农产品结构优化探讨&以大别山区岳西县为例

    Study on the Optimization of Agriculture Structure in Mountain Area Based on the Ecological Footprint & Take Yuexi County as An Example

  10. 结果表明,岳西县2002年人均生态足迹为0.694942hm2,人均生态承载力为0.771222hm2,人均生态盈余为0.076280hm2,岳西县处于可持续发展状态。

    Yuexi was in the condition of ecological surplus in 2002 , and the ecological surplus was 0 . 076 280 hm2 per cap .

  11. 安徽省岳西县新型合作医疗对健康及卫生服务公平性影响的研究

    Study on the equity of rural health service in the experimental region of new rural cooperative medical scheme , Yuexi county , Anhui province

  12. 采用加权求和计量模型计算了岳西县规划基准年、近期和远景目标年的可持续发展度值。

    By adopting a measuring model of weighted summation , the values of the development sustainability of Yuexi County for the datum year , the near future and long term target years of its program were calculated .

  13. 文摘:经实地考察、典型调查和分析研究,构建了以可持续发展度为目标的岳西县生态示范区评价指标体系,由4个层次18项指标组成。

    Abstract : based on field investigations and case studies , and oriented at development sustainahility , an evaluation index system was established for the Yuexi County Ecology Demonstration zone , it is composed of4 levels and18 indexes .

  14. 岳西县地处大别山腹地,皖西南边陲,是个多元文化碰撞交融的地带,也是安徽省戏曲剧种最多的县份之一。

    Yuexi County , located in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains , on the border of Southwestern Anhui , is a multi-cultural region and also one of the counties which have the most genres of drama in Anhui Province .

  15. 本文在农户生产有机食品的基本决策理性是经济理性的假设下,以安徽省岳西县主簿镇余畈村的有机猕猴桃生产为例,首先对农户分散经营的有机猕猴桃生产现状做了研究和分析;

    Cognitive Inclination and Rationality in Decision-making Under the hypothesis that economic variability is the most determinant rationality of farmers ' decision on production pattern conversion the author conducted an empirical study Yufan village , Yuexi County , Anhui Province , China .

  16. 根据兴国县和岳西县三个时相的土壤侵蚀动态监测图和调查统计资料分析表明,建国以来南方山地丘陵区土壤侵蚀的动态变化,基本上呈抛物线形发展态势;

    Analytical results based on the dynamic monitoring maps of soil erosion at three historical periods and the investigation and statistic data from Xingguo and Yuexi counties showed a parabolical type change of soil erosion in the mountainous and hilly areas of south China .

  17. 安徽大别山南坡岳西县色球藻目蓝藻类研究之一夫金鼓旌旗者,所以一民之耳目也。

    STUDY OF THE BLUE-GREEN ALGAE CHROOCOCCALES I AT YUEXI COUNTY OF THE SOUTH SLOPES OF DA-BIE MTS. , ANHUI Gongs and drums , banners and flags , are means whereby the ears and eyes of the host may be focused on one particular point .