
  • 网络yueyang;Yueyang City
  1. 岳阳市献血者Rh血型系统表型的调查及Rh阴性献血者档案库的建立河南省Rh阴性人群中Del表型分布及其与RHD基因关系的研究

    Investigation of Rh Phenotype and Establishment of Databank of Rh-negative Blood Donors in Yueyang City , Hunan Province , China Phenotype and RHD gene analysis of Del in Rh negative individuals of Henan

  2. 近年来,岳阳市高新技术产业发展较快。

    In recent years , Yueyang city high-tech industries developed rapidly .

  3. 最后对岳阳市X污水处理厂这个项目进行了整体的可行性分析评价,并得出结论。

    Finally it appraised the feasibility in all aspects of this project of Yueyang X Sewage Treatment Plant , and eventually reached the conclusion .

  4. 通过实地调查,基于SWOT分析得出岳阳市君山区闲置宅基地利用战略。

    Analysis the strategy of idle residential land usages in Junshan area Yueyang city based on-the-spot investigation and SWOT . 5 .

  5. 因此,在加入WTO后的过渡期内,岳阳市商业银行从制度上建立和完善不良资产的增量防范机制,对处理存量不良资产尤为重要,甚至有决定性的意义。

    During the transition period between China 's WTO entry and full opening of banking sector to foreign competition , the Yueyang Commercial Bank should establish a mechanism to prevent further increase of bad loans .

  6. 以湖南省岳阳市洞庭食品厂YW-ERP系统为例,说明如何成功地架构一个基于B/S模式的中小企业ERP系统。其中包括了解客户需求、系统总体设计、系统详细设计、系统具体实现等。

    Using Hunan Yueyang Dongting Food Factory YW-ERP system as an example to show how to set up a medium and small enterprise ERP system based on B / S mode , it includes customer requirement analysis , system design , system detail design and system realization .

  7. 岳阳市地基易发事故及对策分析

    An Analysis on the Foundation Soil Easily-happening Accidents and the Countermeasure

  8. 岳阳市主城区水系景观生态规划研究

    Landscape ecological planning water system in main area of Yueyang city

  9. 岳阳市城市建设投资公司营运战略与策略研究

    On Operation Strategies and Tactics of Yueyang Urban Construction Investment Corporation

  10. 2004年岳阳市公共图书馆建设调研

    Yueyang City public library construction investigation and research in 2004

  11. 岳阳市环境地球化学影响及其综合防治

    Environmental geochemical impact of Yueyang City and its comprehensive control

  12. 岳阳市主要绿化树种滞尘效应研究

    Effects of Main Afforestation Tree Species on Dust Blocking in Yueyang City

  13. 岳阳市城区2008年高中毕业生身体基本状况调查报告

    Basic physical conditions of senior school graduates in Yueyang city in 2008

  14. 岳阳市农村土地经营权流转问题及对策研究

    Study on Rural Land Management Circulation Problems in Yueyang City

  15. 岳阳市城区重点污染源遥感调查

    Remote sensing investigation for major pollution sources in Yueyang City

  16. 岳阳市高层建筑工程地质勘察与地基基础设计探讨

    Engineering Geological Investigation and Foundation Design of High Rise Buildings

  17. 岳阳市成年人体育锻炼情况调查分析

    Analysis on Adult 's Physical Exercise Condition in Yueyang City

  18. 邹国军等为岳阳市优秀专家。

    Zou Guojun were named outstanding experts of Yueyang City .

  19. 国家天使工程项目&岳阳市肿瘤中心。

    The National Project & Cancer Center of Yueyang City .

  20. 岳阳市某地铀矿化特点及成因

    Mineralization Feature of A Certain Uranium Deposit and Its Genesis in Yueyang City

  21. 岳阳市公园绿地现状分析评价及规划建设构想

    Evaluation and Planning of Construction of Green Space in the Yueyang Urban Park

  22. 岳阳市与济宁市学龄儿童行为问题比较研究

    Comparative Study of School-aged Children Behavior Problems Between Yueyang City and Jining City

  23. 湖南省岳阳市鸡源性大肠杆菌血清型鉴定

    Identification on Serotype of Avian Escherichia Coli in Yueyang City of Hunan Province

  24. 岳阳市学龄儿童行为问题与家庭环境因素的病例-对照研究

    Case-control study on Yueyang school-age children 's behavioral problems and family environment factors

  25. 岳阳市城区高中毕业生近视状况及其影响因素调查分析

    Myopia and its influencing factors in graduating classes from high school students in Yueyang

  26. 岳阳市牧草业发展初探及建议

    Initial study and recommendations on Yueyang pasture industry

  27. 近几年来,岳阳市中医院在以院长向明波为核心的领导班子带领下。

    In recent years , led by the leaders headed by Director Xiang Mingbo .

  28. 岳阳市妇女两病普查情况分析与对策

    Analysis of Census on Two Diseases of Women in YueYang City and Its Strategy

  29. 岳阳市高职院校学生网络成瘾情况调查及防治对策

    Internet Addiction Disorder of the Vocational College Students in Yueyang City to Investigation and Countermeasures

  30. 2006-2008年岳阳市医院和诊所消毒效果监测分析

    Monitoring of Disinfection Effects of Hospitals and Clinics in Yueyang City from 2006 to 2008