首页 / 词典 / good

  • house;residence
  • 住所,房子(多指较大的):住~。内~(指住宅内女眷的住处)。~门。~邸。~第。

  • 葬地,墓穴:~兆(坟墓的四界)。

  • 居住:~心仁厚(居心仁义厚道)。


(住所; 房子)residence; house:

  • 住宅

    residence; dwelling house;

  • 深宅大院

    imposing dwellings and spacious courtyards

  1. 新农村建设中节能型生态农宅设计研究

    Research on Energy-saving Mode Rural Residence Design in New Rural Construction

  2. 东阳卢宅的古建筑文化

    On Ancient Architectural Culture in Lu-Family Residence of Dongyang

  3. 他以700万英镑的低价买了这3座大宅。

    He bought the three mansions for a knockdown £ 7 million .

  4. 他签了一份10年租约,租下了罗茜大宅的房子。

    He took up a 10 year lease on the house at Rossie Priory .

  5. 说起种族间的包容,比利可真是宅心仁厚。

    Billy is on the side of the angels when it comes to racial tolerance .

  6. 将订单和订金一同寄往《美宅周末》,海迪·罗斯收。

    Send the coupon with your deposit to House Beautiful Weekend , FAO Heidi Ross .

  7. 他万万不可宅在家里自艾自怜。

    What he must not do is to sit around at home feeling sorry for himself .

  8. 根据《商品说明法》,去年它因在该地区空宅前摆放“待售”牌而获罪并被处以罚款。

    Last year it was convicted and fined under the Trades Descriptions Act for placing For Sale boards on empty homes in the area .

  9. GameNight游戏之夜宅家度假期间可以快乐地打游戏。

    Game Night is a fun way to spend the holidays at home .

  10. “宅度假”是由stay(宅)和vacation(度假)组成的混合词,指在家或家附近度假。

    Staycation is a portmanteau that combines " stay " and " vacation " and refers to a holiday that takes place either at or near home .

  11. 也许在追求阔宅豪车

    Maybe they are seeking for spacious houses and limousines .

  12. 这座古宅建于1850年。

    The old mansion was built in 1850 .

  13. 2007年到2010年金融危机期间,“宅度假”在美国流行开来。

    Staycations achieved popularity2 in the US during the financial crisis3 of 2007 – 2010 .

  14. 2009年,由于英镑疲软使海外游花销更贵,“宅度假”在英国也成了一种普遍现象。

    Staycations also became a popular phenomenon in the UK in 2009 as a weak pound made overseas holidays significantly more expensive .

  15. 毫不意外地,这种“冰山宅”是富裕名流们的最爱。与越来越多富裕的伦敦人一样,他也将自己的住所变成了所谓的“冰山大宅”。

    Iceberg . Example : He joined the growing number of wealthy Londoners who have been turning their mansions into so called " iceberg homes . "

  16. 三宅一生PleatsPlease商店,纽约,美国

    Issey Miyake pleats please store , New York , usa , 1998

  17. 最近,《行尸走肉》(TheWalkingDead)漫画书在堪称宅文化圣地的2013圣迭戈动漫展(SanDiegoComicCon2013)上庆祝了10周年纪念日。

    The walking dead comic book celebrated its 10th anniversary at the nerd Mecca known as San Diego Comic Con 2013 .

  18. 三宅有洋(ArihiroMiyake)是另一位展示角度设计风格的设计师。

    Arihiro Miyake is another designer whose work displays this angular aesthetic .

  19. 美国报纸的社论中满是对最新银行纾困计划的愤怒,并悄悄支持愤怒的民众乘坐巴士参观美国国际集团(AIG)高管耻辱之宅的举动。

    US editorials were boiling with anger at the latest bank bail-out plans , and quietly supportive of the outrage underpinning bus tours of the AIG mansions-of-shame .

  20. Brooks说,如果发生火宅,不能乘坐电梯,所以需要知道最快的出口路线。

    If there is a fire , Brooks says , you can 't take the elevators and you need to know the quickest way out .

  21. ABC电视网宣布,将会让今年推出的新剧《破釜沉舟》和《魔约之宅》完成各自13集的播出,之后将不再续订.

    EW conveyed the news that odd-duck shows 666 Park Avenue and Last Resort will not receive full-season orders from ABC . Each show will finish out its current run of 13 episodes , but will not return after the midseason break .

  22. 候选名单中还包括备受好评的HilaryMantel,提名作品为《狼宅》。她已经凭这部作品赢得了布克奖和美国国家书评奖。

    The list also includes the much - garlanded Hilary Mantel , for Wolf Hall , which has already won the Man Booker Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award for fiction .

  23. 不过,该机构目前正在调查香港前特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)。调查的起因是有人指称他曾乘坐企业高管的游艇和私人飞机,以及他似乎就一套顶层大宅与当地一位大亨达成了一笔对自己有利的交易。

    But now it is investigating the city 's former chief executive , Donald Tsang , for allegedly traveling on yachts and private jets owned by top business executives and for what appears to have been a sweetheart deal with a local mogul for a penthouse apartment .

  24. Heyse说,纹满纹身、身穿拳击短裤的Bensley闯入Seawall大道一处名宅,并进入了未透露姓名的女事主房间。

    Bensley , covered with tattoos and wearing only boxer shorts , forced his way into the apartment on Seawall Boulevard and made his way into the bedroom of a woman whose name has not been released , Heyse said .

  25. 专家担心过于“宅”会影响到孩子的健康成长。

    Experts express concerns that it is impeding children 's development .

  26. 全面分析了农业面源污染和工业污染状况,农药使用量最大的乡镇的是义亭镇,其次是江东、后宅、下骆宅等乡镇。

    Have analysed the industrial pollution and agriculture area-pollution state all-sidedly .

  27. 参加我们精彩的比赛,你会赢得梦想中的美宅!

    Win the house of your dreams in our fantastic contest !

  28. 以国际住宅精神,塑造宁波人的先锋名宅。

    To establish Ningbo 's own avantgarde house with international spirit .

  29. 住宅小区宅间绿地的布置与设计

    Layout and Design of Green Spaces between Dwellings in Residential Area

  30. 浅谈多层砖混住宅构造柱施工质量控制

    Quality control in constructional column construction in multistory brick masonry building