
zhái yuàn
  • messuage;house;a house with a courtyard
宅院 [zhái yuàn]
  • [house with a courtyard] 带院落的房子。亦泛指住宅

宅院[zhái yuàn]
  1. 这所宅院已向公众开放。

    The house had been thrown open to the public .

  2. 秦士以为,这只破碗比席子和手杖更加古老。于是,他用自己居住的宅院买下了这只破碗。

    The Qin scholar believed this broken bowl was more ancient than the straw mat and the walking stick , so he gave up his house and courtyard for the broken bowl .

  3. 旧城区汇集了许多教堂、大宅院和清真寺。

    The Old Town has a whole collection of churches , palaces and mosques .

  4. 多数电影的拍摄场地大致归为两类:私人宅院与公共场地。

    Most film locations broadly fit into two categories ; those on private property and those in a public place .

  5. 这座宅院一共三进。

    This residential compound has three rows of houses .

  6. 黄土高原半干旱区农户宅院径流利用技术研究

    Study on Technique of Using Courtyard Runoff in Semi-arid Loess Plateau

  7. 开封、尉氏刘家宅院研究

    A Study on Liu 's Dwelling House in Kaifeng and Weishi

  8. 保安人员仍禁止任何人进入这所大宅院。

    Guards still stopped anyone from actually entering the compound .

  9. 乡间的静谧,牧师宅院的安宁。

    The peace of the countryside , the calm of the Vica rage .

  10. 狭窄的小巷在一个农家宅院前骤然而止。

    The narrow lane ended abruptly in a farmyard .

  11. 对戒备森严的宅院,多数都市房东既不想、也无法确保重新改动规划会得到许可。

    Most urban homeowners neither want nor could secure planning permission for guard-patrolled ramparts .

  12. 一间间的店铺、公寓和宅院里,无不游荡着往事的幽灵。

    Shops , apartments , houses , all are ghosted by those gone before .

  13. 这座宅院有精致的阳台和柱子,屋内的烛光照亮了高耸的窗棂。

    It had fine balconies and pillars , and candles inside lit the tall windows .

  14. 你的家是什么样的?住的是一座宅院还是一套公寓房?

    What is your home like ? Do you live in a house or an apartment ?

  15. 可是这么古老的宅院里,活着的东西也就是这些花草树木了。

    But in this age-old courtyard , there aren 't anything still alive except these trees .

  16. 第七章恐怖大宅院

    Chapter Seven The House of Horrors

  17. 利用宅院水窖发展庭院经济,可显著增加农户的经济收入。

    Developing courtyard economy by using water in cellars can obviously increase economic income of peasant households .

  18. 王毛品吆喝了二十来人,在地主家的大门上贴了封条,把地主宅院看守起来。

    Summoning twenty men , Wang put guards over the landlord 's house and sealed the doors .

  19. 《老宅院》木质的楼梯,踏上去咯吱咯吱地作响。

    Old dwelling Wooden staircases , with the noise of creak when you set foot on it .

  20. 一个老宅院,女儿住宿的房子就是一排老式房子。

    It is an old messuage and my daughter 's lodging is a row of old-fashioned houses .

  21. 我只想在里德宅院平静地生活,我只想凝望潘德尔山顶上那片不断变化的天空。

    I only wanted to live quietly at Read Hall and watch the changing skies over Pendle Hill .

  22. 宅院文化:微缩的宫廷&论新世纪的新家族小说

    Cultures of Houses with Courtyards Embodied in the New Century Novels of Clans : the Miniaturized Imperial Courts

  23. 他们住在马尔福庄园里,那是他们家族世代相传的一个大宅院。

    They live in Malfoy Manor , a large house which has been in the family for generations .

  24. 在里德宅院我幸福地生活了很多年。21年来,我忘记了我的家人。

    I was happy for years at Read Hall . For twenty-one years , I forgot my family .

  25. 伊利里欧总督原本力劝他留在潘托斯,甚至愿意慷慨地提供自己的一栋宅院给他住,

    Magister Illyrio had urged him to wait in Pentos , had offered him the hospitality of his manse ,

  26. 诺埃尔先生手下的人把我妈妈带到了里德宅院,起初她一言不发。

    When Mr Nowell ' s men brought my mother to Read Hall , she said nothing at first .

  27. 主日学校刚下课,皮利和海子在教区宅院的聚会室遇见。

    Sunday school has just ended , and Billy and Hazel meet in the assembly room of the parish house .

  28. 本拉登孤立住在宅院,没有电话和互联网,已经是一个和现实世界远离的人物。

    Stuck in his compound , without a telephone or the internet , he had anyway become a remote figure .

  29. 我们希望你们喜欢它,并期盼你们能够在自家宅院找到你们自己的难忘经历。

    We hope you guys enjoyed it , and we hope you can find your own adventure in your backyard and beyond .

  30. 美国突击队到宅院里杀了本-拉丹,本-拉丹的儿子,还有另外四个人。

    The American commandos killed bin Laden and up to four other people , including one of his sons , at the compound .