
  1. 宇宙本原问题从古至今一直都是哲学的最基本问题。

    The origin of the universe has always been the basic questions of philosophic problem since ancient times .

  2. 他认为理气皆为宇宙本原,理与气始终相合,理在气中但又理先于气。

    He thinks both Li and Qi are the source of the world , they always integrate . Li is in the Qi but Li takes precedence of Qi .

  3. 有与无是关于世界存在的一对重要的哲学范畴,是人们对宇宙本原和本体的关切。

    " Existence " and " Nothingness " are important correspondent conceptions about the noumenon of the universe in philosophy , the understanding of the origin and noumenon of the world .

  4. 这很可能预示着21世纪将发生的新的物理学革命,进而改变人类对宇宙本原的认识,并促使我们在哲学上重建本体论。

    This perhaps indicates a new physics revolution , which will take place in the 21st Century and then change the human understanding of universal principle . This can motivate us to rebuild the philosophic ontology .

  5. 哲学从神话中提升经历了两个根本性的转变,一是它消除了神灵信仰造成的误区,以经验关心宇宙的本原;

    One is to pay attention to the origination of universe with experiences instead of eliminating the mistake made by the belief of gods ;

  6. 道是宇宙天地的本原,是道家的核心概念;

    Taois the origin of the universe , and the core concept in the Taoist ;

  7. 对于中国人来说,宇宙不是由本原与现象造物主与被造物构成的,而是生成的。

    Regarding the Chinese , the universe is not with is constituted by the source and the phenomenon creator by the divine creative force , but is the production .

  8. 两者在阐述宇宙的物质本原、形成过程和发展规律方面,都有着相近、相似的认识,两者应该互相学习,互相促进,共同提高。

    Similar cognitions are gained by both in their elaboration of the substantial origin , the formational process and development law in the universe , which makes it necessary for the two to have mutual adoption , promotion and advancement .