
  • 网络safety signal;safe signal
  1. 本文参考国外文献,讨论了伽利略系统的军事用途,重点从增强可用性、提高导航精度、保障后勤自动化和改善城市地区可用性等4个方面详细分析了伽利略公共安全信号(PRS)的军用价值。

    Based on some foreign references , the paper discusses its military benefits , and analyses in its detailed military uses of Public Regulated Service in enhancing availability , improving navigation accuracy , ensuring logistical automation and increasing the availability in urban area .

  2. 我的安全信号是“灰士忌”。

    My safe word will be whiskey .

  3. 这是在前院拍的,我在读安全信号牌上的字。

    This is in our front yard . I was reading at the security sign .

  4. 如果内部安全信号被指定,那么现行障碍可以作为集散控制系统隔离器的替代。

    If intrinsic safety signals are specified then active barriers shall be quoted as alternative to the DCS isolators .

  5. 有没有新的安全信号与使用阿瓦斯丁购买剂量在本临床设定。

    There were no new safety signals associated with the use of Avastin at either dose in this clinical setting .

  6. 中成药上市后安全性信号的识别与评价

    Detective and Evaluation of Safety Signals to the Post-marketing Chinese Herbal Drugs

  7. 分布式光纤管道安全预警信号处理方法的研究

    Study on Signal Processing of Distributed Optical Fiber Pre-warning System

  8. 基于支持向量机的油气管道安全监测信号识别方法

    An SVM-Based Recognition Method for Safety Monitoring Signals of Oil and Gas Pipeline

  9. 机长关闭安全带信号灯以后才可以,先生。

    As soon as the captain 's turned off the seat-beit sign , sir .

  10. 系安全带信号刚亮起来。这个座位上没有安全带。

    The seat belt sign just go on .

  11. 他大声叫我们安静下来。系安全带信号刚亮起来。

    He shouted at us to pipe down . The seat belt sign just go on .

  12. 系安全带信号刚亮起来。一枚红色信号腾空升起。

    The seat belt sign just go on . A red signal light zoomed to the sky .

  13. 请在安全带信号消失前坐在座位上,系好安全带。

    Please stay in your seat and keep your seat belt fastened until the sign has been turned off .

  14. 系安全带信号刚亮起来。我们的起始信号是绿灯。

    The seat belt sign just go on . the starting_signal was a green light ; the runners awaited the start .

  15. 这是个不安全的信号,并且在她意识到她在做什么之前是不会停下来的。

    It 's a sign of insecurity , and it isn 't going to stop until she recognizes what she is doing .

  16. 既有营业线提速后,为确保营业线施工安全,信号施工安全技术措施也应及时改进。

    In order to ensure safe construction on revenue lines after the speed-lift , technical measures for signal safe construction should be timely updated .

  17. 铁路车站联锁系统是指以技术手段实现信号、道岔与进路之间的制约关系和操作顺序的联锁控制系统,是保证车站行车安全的信号系统。

    Railway Stations Interlocking System is the interlocking system which realizes restrict and operation sequence between signal , turnout and route by technical method .

  18. 信息隐藏是信息安全和多媒体信号处理领域一个非常年轻但又发展迅速的研究方向。所以,MAP-CA为现代多媒体信号处理应用提供了一个现成有效的解决方案。

    Information hiding has become the forefront of information security and multimedia image processing . The MAP-CA provides the proven and effective solution for rapidly evolving broadband applications .

  19. 讨论了最新开发的GDD50(A)本质安全型标准信号矿压传感器的特性、工作原理、技术参数,以及它的试验情况和应用于远程矿压实时监测系统的效益分析。

    The features , working principle and technical parameters of the newly developed Model GDD50 ( A ) standard-signal rock pressure sensor of essentially safety type are discussed . Its testing result and the benefit analysis result applying to remote rock pressure real time monitor system are also given .

  20. 安全型铁路信号计算机联锁热备系统的研究与实现

    The Study and Realization of Secure Computerized Interlocking System of Heat Preparation for Railway

  21. 无线光通信也很安全:阻断信号的唯一办法就是物理阻断光束。

    FSO is also secure : the only way to intercept the signal is physically to intercept the beam .

  22. 为了确保铁路行车安全,铁路信号设备正常运行是必须要保证的。

    To guarantee the traffic safety of the railway , railway signal devices are necessary to be int the normal operation .

  23. 隐写技术是近年来信息安全和多媒体信号处理领域中提出的一种解决多媒体信息安全的新方法。

    In recent years , steganography is a new method of processing multimedia information security in domains of information security and multimedia signal .

  24. 本系统电路设计合理,体积小,安全防爆,信号准确可靠。

    The utility model has the advantages of reasonable circuit design , small volume , safe explosion prevention and accurate , reliable signals and convenient maintenance .

  25. 您还需要正确地处理文件系统中的竞争,其中包括如何处理永远危险的共享目录/tmp和/var/tmp,以及如何安全地使用信号。

    You 'll also need to handle races in the file system correctly , including the ever-dangerous shared directories / tmp and / var / tmp , and how signals can be used safely .

  26. 首先,这项指令明确指出,美国仅为合法的国家安全目的使用信号情报,不是为了不分青红皂白地审查普通百姓的电子邮件或电话通话。

    To begin with , the directive makes clear that the United States only uses signals intelligence for legitimate national security purposes , and not for the purpose of indiscriminately reviewing the emails or phone calls of ordinary folks .

  27. 目前的生物电阻抗测量是在安全的交流信号激励下,对被测目标的响应信号进行幅值或和相位的解调得到。

    In order to measure the bio electrical impedance , a safe AC stimulus signal is applied to the measured object , and the amplitude or / and phase of the response signal to the stimulus must be demodulated .

  28. 铁路信号微机监测系统是保证行车安全、监测信号设备状态、发现信号设备隐患、分析信号设备故障原因、指导现场维修、反映设备运用质量和提高电务部门维护水平和维护效率的重要行车设备。

    Railway signal microcomputer monitoring system is the guarantee safety , monitoring signal equipment state , found that the signal equipment hidden trouble , analysis signal equipment fault reason , instruct on-site maintenance , reflected by quality and improve communication equipment maintenance level and the maintenance department .

  29. X射线线扫描安全检查设备实时信号处理

    Real Time Signal Processing with Checking Safely Equipment of X-ray Line Scanning

  30. FSK信号作为保障铁路安全运行的主要信号制式,在国内铁路上现在有两种,是法国引进的UT信号和国内自主开发的YP信号。

    As the key signal system guaranteeing the safety for the railway , there are two types of FSK system used now by China railway : UT signal imported from France and the homemade YP signal .