
ān tài
  • Antai;ing;Antaios;safe and sound
安泰 [ān tài]
  • (1) [safe and sound]∶平安康泰

  • (2) [Antai]∶古希腊神话中巨神的名字,传为海神波塞冬和地神盖娅所生。只要身不离地就能不断吸取大地母亲的力量,故力大无穷

安泰[ān tài]
  1. 祝您阖家安泰。

    I wish everyone in your family well and in good shape .

  2. 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院(AntaiCollegeofEconomicsandManagement)是排名最高的新上榜学校,排在第15位。

    Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University was the highest entrant , in 15th position .

  3. 据周林教授介绍,安泰经济与管理学院的550名MBA学生里有80人为全日制学生。

    At Antai , 80 of the 550 MBA students study full-time , says Prof Zhou .

  4. 威廉斯出生于芝加哥,曾经是加州蓝十字(bluecross)公司的总裁,于2001年安泰陷入财务困境之际出任该公司首席运营官。

    Formerly president of Blue Cross of California , Chicago-born Mr Williams joined Aetna as chief operating officer in 2001 , when the company was in financial trouble .

  5. 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院(AntaiCollegeofEconomicsandManagement)今年是第二次参加定制课程的排名,该校跃升6个位置,至第9位,进入前十。

    Antai College of Economics & Management enters the top 10 on its second participation in the ranking of customised programmes , jumping six places to ninth .

  6. 盖利斯用构思精巧的小故事和案例,阐明了冥想的种种好处,这些好处是从通用磨坊(GeneralMills)到安泰保险(Aetna)的许多企业都希望利用的。

    Using expertly crafted anecdotes and case studies , Gelles illustrates the benefits of meditation that companies from General Mills to Aetna are seeking to harness .

  7. 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院(AntaiCollegeofEconomicsandManagement)直接排到第32名,而亚利桑那大学(UniversityofArizona)艾勒管理学院(EllerCollegeofManagement)在75所院校中排名第68位。

    Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University comes straight in at 32 and Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona is ranked 68th out of 75 .

  8. 比如,安泰学院MiM课程的学费是9.8万元人民币(合15333美元),而其全日制MBA课程的学费为20.8万元、EMBA学费为56.8万元。

    Antai , for example , charges Rmb98000 ( $ 15333 ) for its MiM but Rmb208000 for its full-time MBA and Rmb568000 for its executive MBA .

  9. 安泰保险(AetnaInc.)旗下独立慈善机构安泰基金会(AetnaFoundation)也在赞助一项研究&每天抽奖是否足以激励人们坚持服用华法林(warfarin)。

    Aetna Foundation , the independent philanthropic arm of insurer Aetna Inc. , also is sponsoring a study of whether daily lotteries motivate people to stick to warfarin .

  10. 接着本文对安泰公司的发展战略的制定进行了分析,在该部分运用SWOT矩阵法针对安泰公司给出了可供选择的战略态势,并制定了纵向一体化、核心竞争力和战略联盟的发展战略。

    In the forth part this paper provides the strategic situations using the SWOT matrix according to Antai Company , and establishes development strategies such as vertical integration strategy , core ability of competition , strategic alliance .

  11. 姚明在上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院度过了校园第一天。据新华社的报道,这位NBA火箭队的前中锋在课后表示,他对学习有着强烈的愿望。

    The former Houston Rockets centre said after his first day at the Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University that he had a strong desire for academic studies , the Xinhua news agency said .

  12. 北京咨询公司安泰科(antaike)的分析师陈家作表示,上述诉讼可能会促使北京方面调整其出口和关税政策。

    Chen Jiazuo , an analyst at Antaike , a Beijing consultancy , said the case might prompt Beijing to change its export and tariff policies .

  13. 目的提高完善风湿安泰片的质量标准。

    Objective To improve the quality standard for Fengshi Antai tablets .

  14. 在安泰,我们认为应该要求个人参加医疗保险。

    At Aetna we believe there should be an individual coverage requirement .

  15. 安泰两年前就推出这样一个项目。

    Two years ago Antai launched just such a programme .

  16. 胃安泰胶囊为治疗胃癌前期病变的有效中药制剂。

    The treatment of precancerous lesions of gastric caner .

  17. 孤独的安泰&读杰克·伦敦笔下的马丁·伊登

    The Lonely Antaeus & An Analysis of Martin Eden Written by Jack London

  18. 大众银行和安泰银行就是其中的两家。

    TA Chong and entie are two of these .

  19. 安泰促长素对仔猪免疫功能的影响得利肥素喂猪驱蛔促长试验

    The Effects of Injection of Antai Growth Promotor on the Immunologic Functions in Piglets

  20. 第三章,安泰人寿销售流程现状分析。

    The third chapter , peaceful and undisturbed life insurance sale flow present situation analysis .

  21. 安泰生70%WP可有效地防治黄瓜霜霉病、大白菜霜霉病和番茄早疫病。

    Antracol70WP can effectively control downy mildew on cucumber and Chinese cabbage , and early blight on tomato .

  22. 本人兹授权安泰保险有限公司从本人上述之信用卡账户支取此保险所应缴之保费。

    I hereby authorise ING General Insurance International to charge my above credit card account for the premium of this insurance .

  23. 信安泰信息技术咨询有限公司(以下简称:信安泰)是国际管理标准体系和IT管理体系咨询的专业公司。

    Infantel is a professional IT & Management consulting company focuses on providing international management standards and IT related management systems consulting service .

  24. 安泰科预计,2006年铂市场的需求将进一步增长,主要增长点在汽车工业和玻璃工业;

    It can anticipate that demand will go further rise in 2006 . The main increase will come from auto and glass industry .

  25. 借使你的内涵评价使你安泰,我想你会有兴奋的糊口。

    If your inner scorecard , if you 're comfortable with that , I think you 're going to have a pretty happy life .

  26. 在宋代救荒活动中,义仓发挥了积极作用,对社会稳定、民生安泰做出了贡献。

    It played an active role in the relief work and contributed a lot to the social stability and improvement of people 's livelihood .

  27. 安泰保险公司参加了《工作中的正念》课程的员工,一年的医疗费用相对于一个对照组减少了2000美元。

    Aetna employees who took a Mindfulness at Work course saw their healthcare costs fall by $ 2000 a year relative to a control group .

  28. 安泰科公司的黄金分析师崔玲说,很多国外小投资商投资于中国的探矿行业。

    Cui Lin , a gold analyst with Antaike Information Development Co Ltd , said many small foreign companies invested in gold prospecting in China .

  29. 安泰盘实基金的预期年回报率至少为25%,远高于一般信托基金10%到20%的回报率。

    His fund expects to return investors at least 25 % annually , significantly higher than trusts , which typically range between 10 % and 20 % .

  30. 1998年,公司与美国安泰人寿保险公司在上海合资组建了太平洋安泰人寿保险股份有限公司。

    In the year of1998 , together with its partner of Aetna Life Insurance Company from U.S. , CPIC has successfully established a joint venture company Pacific Aetna Life Insurance Co.