
  • 网络security protocol;ipsec;SSL;set;HTTPS
  1. 针对网络地址转换协议(NAT)与网络安全协议(IPSec)的兼容性问题做了讨论.详尽地分析了几种相应的解决方案并比较了它们的优缺点。

    This article studies the compatibility problem of NAT and IPSec , analyzes several solutions according to this problem in detail , and compares its merits and demerits .

  2. 电子商务中网上购物的安全协议&SSL与SET

    The Security Protocols Used in On-line Purchase of E-commerce & SSL and SET

  3. Internet安全协议中的密钥交换技术研究

    Key Exchange Technology in Internet Security Protocols

  4. Internet网络管理安全协议研究

    Researches of Internet Network Management Protocols

  5. 电子商务的安全协议SSL和SET协议

    Security Protocol SSL and SET of Electronic Data Interchanging Business

  6. 3D安全协议的改进及应用

    Improvement and application of 3D secure protocol

  7. 低成本RFID系统安全协议设计及其形式化分析

    Low Cost RFID System 's Security Protocol Design And Formal Analysis

  8. 电子支付安全协议的Petri网模型及分析

    Petri net model and analysis for electronic payment security protocol

  9. IP安全协议IPSec(IPsecurity)的制定,则从根本上为毫无安全性可言的IP网络提供了安全保障。

    The establishment of IPSec ( IP Security ) protocol offers security indemnificatory for unsecured IP network .

  10. 安全协议的扩展Horn逻辑模型及其验证方法

    Security Protocol 's Extended Horn Logic Model and Its Verification Method

  11. 第三,详细介绍了两种电子支付安全协议(SSL协议和SET协议);

    Third , dissertation explicates two electronic payment protocols ( SSL protocol and SET protocol ), which correlate EC ;

  12. 一种实用的轻量级RFID安全协议研究

    Research of a Practical Lightweight RFID Security Protocol

  13. 充分利用IPSec等安全协议对网络进行防护;

    The security protocol such as IPSec , SSL , etc ;

  14. 给出了一个称为实例化空间(InstantiationSpace)的安全协议验证逻辑的语义模型。

    The authors present a new model of security protocol logics , which is called Instantiation Space .

  15. 3G与WLAN互连的安全协议和分析

    Security Protocols and Analysis of 3G-WLAN Interworking

  16. 网络安全协议SSL原理及应用

    Principle and Application of Network Security Protocol SSL

  17. 作为网络层安全协议,实现了基于IP数据包的安全保护,并能为上层协议提供透明的安全服务。

    As the network layer safety protocol , it achieves IP data safety protection , and can provide the transparent safety service for the upper layers .

  18. Song对串空间模型进行了扩展,并开发了安全协议自动验证工具ATHENA。

    Song has made an extension to SSM and has developed an automatic verification tool , ATHENA .

  19. 本文对SSL、SET两个电子商务安全协议作一比较,并针对不同的安全需要,构造一个分级安全控制模型,较好地改进了SET协议。

    This article compares SSL with SET protocol , and constructs a hierarchical safety control model to suit for different safety requirements , this model will improve SET protocol .

  20. 分组密码被广泛应用于如SSL,IPsec等各种安全协议和安全类应用程序。

    It is widely applied in security protocols such as SSL , IPSec etc. and security applications .

  21. 而标签防碰撞算法与安全协议设计是RFID领域中热门的研究课题。

    The tag anti-collision algorithm and security protocol design for RFID is a hot research topic in the field of RFID .

  22. 一个描述密码学安全协议的演算:Spi演算

    The Spi Calculus : A Cryptographic Protocol Calculus

  23. 基于IPSec网络安全协议的VPN技术是目前应用较多的技术,被广泛的应用到网络安全领域。

    Nowadays , VPN based on IPSec protocol has been a widely used technology in network security area .

  24. 针对这些要求,介绍了Visa的3-D安全协议及其在移动商务中的应用,并讨论了实施中的相关问题。

    It also introduces Visa 's 3-D secure protocol and its application in mobile commerce , and discusses correlative problems in implementation .

  25. IPSEC安全协议实现数据报安全;

    The implement of IPSEC is composed of them . Secure of datagram is implemented directly by IPSEC protocol .

  26. 远程主机shell访问(取代telnet和rlogin明文,不安全协议)

    Remote host shell access ( supersedes telnet and rlogin clear text , insecure protocols )

  27. IPSec协议使用IKE协议实现安全协议的自动安全参数协商。

    In IPSec protocol , automatic secure parameters negotiation of the security protocol is realized by IKE .

  28. 自由漫游安全协议在移动Agents中是一个还没有被完全的解决的主要问题,但是自由漫游安全在移动Agents的安全中却起着不可替代的作用。

    The protocol of the security of free-roaming is the major problem which has not resolved totally , but it plays an important role in the mobile agents ' security .

  29. 将SAML断言交换到可携带服务身份的不同的安全协议

    Exchange the SAML Assertion to a different security protocol able to carry the service identity

  30. BAN逻辑是最早提出、最为重要的一种安全协议分析方法,被广泛地用于密码协议的安全性证明。

    BAN logic is the earliest and the most important analysis method of security protocol , and it can prove the security of cryptographic protocol .