
  • 网络Security policy;CFSP
  1. 这个共同体试图形成共同的外交和安全政策。

    The Community was trying to forge a common foreign and security policy .

  2. WTO框架下辽宁省产业安全政策选择

    Industry security policy selection in Liaoning Province under WTO framework

  3. 完善核安全政策举措,发展现代化和低风险的核能技术,坚持核材料供需平衡,加强防扩散出口控制,深化打击核恐怖主义的国际合作,是消除核安全隐患和核扩散风险的直接和有效途径。

    To effectively eliminate risks of nuclear security and nuclear proliferation , the international community should improve relevant policies and measures , and develop modern , low-risk nuclear energy technologies , maintain balanced supply and demand of nuclear materials , strengthen non-proliferation efforts , and promote international cooperation against nuclear terrorism .

  4. 血液安全政策执行情况与AIDS控制效果的综合评判

    Comprehensive Evaluation on the Implementation of Blood Safety Policy and HIV / AIDS Control

  5. 方法应用层次分析法(AHP法)综合评判襄樊市血液安全政策执行情况及AIDS流行与控制效果。

    AHP method was applied to evaluate the implementation of blood safety policy and the effect of HIV / AIDS control .

  6. 多安全政策支持机制和新的国际信息安全评价标准&CC(CommonCriteria)标准都要求安全操作系统提供完善的安全属性即时撤消机制,但是目前的研究都不够完善。

    Providing complete security attributes revocation function in secure OS is required by both multi policy supporting mechanism and Common Criteria , but all the relevant research on this subject are imperfect .

  7. 您组织的安全政策如何影响GDD工具使用?

    How will your organization 's security policy affect the GDD tool usage ?

  8. fink软件包的通用安全政策。

    General Fink security policy for accepted packages .

  9. 国际发展慈善组织行动援助(actionaid)粮食安全政策主管梅雷迪思亚历山大(meredithalexander)表示,他们希望英国将自己承诺的捐款交给该基金。

    Meredith Alexander , head of food aid policy at Action Aid , the international development charity , said it wanted the UK to channel promised aid money through the trust fund .

  10. 您的资料会受到ZUJI私隐及安全政策保护。

    Your information is protected by ZUJI 's privacy and security policy .

  11. 对安全政策灵活性的支持是现代安全操作系统追求的目标之一,DTOS(distributedtrustedoperatingsystem)项目提出了安全政策格的思想,为安全政策灵活性的研究提供了一种很好的手段。

    Supporting for the security policy flexibility is one of the goals of modern secure operating systems . The DTOS ( distributed trusted operating system ) program put forth a concept of security policy lattice , which provides a good way for the research on security policy flexibility .

  12. 长城安全政策(ChineseWallSecurityPolicy,CWSP)是商业信息领域中重要的安全政策之一。

    Chinese Wall security policy ( CWSP ) is one of the most important security policies in commercial information area .

  13. 在传统的访问控制中,基于角色的访问控制RBAC由于其突出的优点使系统管理员能够根据企业安全政策和部门的不同划分不同的角色以执行特定的任务,因此得到了广泛的应用。

    In the traditional access control , role-based access control with its outstanding advantages of RBAC makes the system administrator can divide different roles according to department and security policy and to perform specific tasks , so it has been widely used .

  14. 首先,从理论上构造MLS政策的一个实施策略,说明MLS政策具有历史敏感性,从而具有动态特征,不能简单地作为静态安全政策对待。

    First , an enforcement scheme for a MLS policy is constructed theoretically , which shows that MLS policies are of history sensitivity and hence have dynamic characteristics , and so that MLS policies can not be simply taken as static policies .

  15. 战后初期北欧国家安全政策的调整&试论北欧平衡的形成

    The Adjustment of Nordics Security Policy in the Early Post-war Period

  16. 安全政策和平研究所科学理事会

    Scientific Council for the Institute for Peace Research in Security Policy

  17. 确保与项目安全政策性法规与条例相符。

    To help ensure conformance to project safety polices and procedures .

  18. 组织拥有现成的安全政策管理框架吗?

    Does the organization have security policy management frameworks in place ?

  19. 多安全政策支持框架研究及其在安全操作系统中的实践

    Research on the Framework for Multi-Policies and Practice in Secure Operating System

  20. 各机构正在共同努力,以配合相关食品安全政策的实施。

    The agencies are working together to coordinate policy on food safety .

  21. 欧盟共同外交与安全政策初探&以国际法为视角

    An Initial Inquiry into the Common Foreign and Security Policy of EU

  22. 所有金拓雇员都了解我们的安全政策。

    All Kitco employees are aware of our security policies .

  23. 新世纪澳大利亚国家安全政策及其对中国的影响

    Australian Defense Policy in the New Century and Its Influence to China

  24. 第三方工具使一个建立了各种安全政策。

    Third-party tools enable one to build a variety of security policies .

  25. 工厂有无书面(成文)的安全政策?

    Does the facility have a written security procedure policy ?

  26. 在选择防火墙之前,公司需要选择安全政策。

    Before picking a firewall , companies need to adopt security policies .

  27. 苏联的责任&苏联集体安全政策失败的原因

    Soviet Responsibility-Reasons for the Failure of Soviet Collective Security Policy

  28. 本文作者是欧盟共同外交和安全政策高级代表

    The writer is EU high representative for common foreign and security policy

  29. 德国的安全政策比英国更激进。

    German security policy was more advanced than the British .

  30. 中国农业转基因生物安全政策模式的选择

    Selection of Security Policy Pattern of Genetically Modified Organisms in Chinese Agriculture