
ān quán biāo zhì
  • Safety Signs;safety symbol
  1. 谈煤矿矿用产品安全标志在安全管理中的作用

    The effect of mine equipment safety symbol on the safety management

  2. GB13851-92《内河交通安全标志》修订工作的必要性和重要意义

    Necessity and Significance on Revising of GB 13851-92 " Inland River Traffic Safety Symbol "

  3. 在实际生活中,此方面(aspect)可以做任何事(例如,管理安全标志、提供高速缓存,或审计消息)。

    In the real world this aspect could do anything ( for example , manage security tokens , provide caching , or audit messages ) .

  4. 这就像站点使用薄弱的安全标志(securitytoken)部署应用程序,借此,黑客可以猜出客户的安全标志并冒充客户。

    This is just like a site deploying an application with weak security tokens , whereby an attacker can guess the security token of a client and impersonate him or her .

  5. EDAPS公司提供具有显性安全标志(如全息图)的电子税票。

    EDAPS offers Digital Tax Stamps but with overt security ( such as holograms ) .

  6. 登录期间创建的安全标志(LTPA)随数据请求传递到后端系统,使后端系统可以执行授权,从而提供对数据的有控制的访问。

    The security token ( LTPA ) created during the login is passed with data requests to back-end systems to enable them to perform authorization in providing controlled access to the data .

  7. 研究一采用问卷访谈与ERP(事件相关电位)神经科学实验相结合的方式,研究了人们对不同类型安全标志的危险感知评分是否存在差异,以及自动加工过程中的神经感知差异。

    In research I , a combination of questionnaires , interviews and the KRP ( Iwcnt Related Potential ) experiment are combined to study whether the hazard perception ratings has significant differences among the four types of safety signs , and whether the cognitive distinction exist in the automatic processing .

  8. 各种安全标志也可安装在表面以下。

    Various security marks can also be embedded beneath the surface .

  9. 特种劳动防护用品安全标志实施细则

    Detailed Rules and Regulations on Safety Signs of Special Labor Protection Articles

  10. 小型潜水电泵安全标志及内容探讨

    Exploration of the Content of Safety Alarm Mark of Small-Scaled Submersible Pump

  11. 煤矿矿用产品特点及安全标志检验对策

    Mine product characteristics for coal mine and mine safety certificate inspection countermeasure

  12. 煤矿井下用产品执行安全标志管理的重要性

    Importance of Management of Safety Signs on Products Used in Underground Coal Mines

  13. 安全标志的标准化生产使用及检验标准

    Standard of manufacture application and inspection on safety sign

  14. GB13851.1-1992内河交通安全标志总则

    Traffic safety signs on inland waterways & General principles

  15. 蓄光自发光型消防安全标志的研究与应用

    Study on the Application of Self-luminous Fire Safety Sign

  16. 这种制动器产品目前为全国第一家申请国家安全标志的产品。

    Such kind of detent product is the first products applied for National Security Mark .

  17. 卡到达工厂印刷和层压,以独特的安全标志嵌入在表层下面告终。

    Cards arrive factory-printed and laminated , complete with the unique security marks embedded beneath the surface .

  18. 所有的安全标志在层压下得到保护,确保其耐用性和性能。

    All of the security marks are protected beneath the laminate , ensuring superior durability and performance .

  19. 装置在危险区域的边缘设置醒目的安全标志。

    Observable warning signs shall be provided at the edge of the hazardous area for the unit .

  20. 车用安全标志夹持器

    Vehicular safety sign holder

  21. 双色安全标志带

    Dichromatic Safety Mark Tape

  22. 注意看安全标志–这些标志可提醒你注意某些潜在危险及当日海滩的状况。

    Look at the safety signs – they will help you identify potential dangers and daily conditions at the beach .

  23. 必要时还需设置施工安全标志或人员现场防护,以防万一,确保万无一失。

    Necessary , need to set up construction site safety signs or personnel protection , just in case , sure .

  24. GB/T13851.3-1992内河交通安全标志配备与安装南安市道路交通安全现状及对策分析

    Traffic safety signs on inland waterways & Layoff and mounting Analysis of the Current Traffic Situations in Nan'an and Countermeasures

  25. 安全标志是安全管理工作中的重要手段,被广泛地应用于社会生产与生活中。

    Safety sign is an important tool in safety management , and widely used in the social production and daily life .

  26. 通知称,这些产品只有在通过了质量检测并且贴上安全标志后才可重新销售。

    The notice said the products will be sold again only after they pass quality tests and are labeled as safe .

  27. 所以,在当前形势下修订GB13851-92《内河交通安全标志》具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。

    So , it has much more practical and profound historical significance to revising GB 13851-92 " Inland River Traffic Safety Symbol " compulsory standard .

  28. 以上产品均取得生产许可证、防爆合格证、安全标志准用证、科学技术新产品鉴定证书等。

    The above products have all been approved the certificates of production licence , flame-proof certification , safe mare licence and scientific and technologic new product assay certification and so on .

  29. 文章在介绍煤矿井下作业特点和煤矿井下用产品特点的基础上,论述了国家对煤矿用产品实行安全标志管理的重要性和必要性。

    Based on the features of operation and products used in underground coal mines , the author described the importance and necessity of management of safety signs on products of mine use .

  30. 大门已经加强了安保和警报措施,但是并没有像华盛顿国会山那样可以看到的安全标志。

    There is increased security and increased alertness at the door , but there aren 't signs of heavy , visible security like you could spot , say , at the Congress in Washington .